Seithan / EasyNextionLibrary

A simple library for Nextion display that uses only four functions. You can easily benefit from Nextion's wide range of features and advantages in just a few easy steps. The library uses a custom protocol that can prove to be a powerful tool for advanced users as it can be easily modified to meet one’s needs.

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Read data from EEPROM of nextion to arduino and store as float or veriable.

fani625 opened this issue · comments

Thanks for this great work it help me alot and save my time.

I am working on a project where I store all variable and float reading on nextion EEPROM. No I want to read that data over the serial with below command so every time when run the setup it will store all variable on arduino from nextion. because I am facing the issue when I read directly from nextion with " Number" it missed first variable .

rept 30,20 // sends 20 bytes from EEPROM addresses 30 to 49 to serial// byte of data is not ASCII text of byte value, but raw byte


Hello fani,

I do not have much experience with the Nextion EEPROM. Why don't you use the Arduino's EEPROM instead?