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QR - Users can submit reports inadvertently with no data

sync-by-unito opened this issue · comments

┆Issue is synchronized with this Monday item by Unito commented:

Users can submit reports without entering any information. A notification should alert the user if they are submitting a report that has missing information.

"Are you sure you want to submit this report? The following was not updated or left blank"
Team News

The error message should be triggered by role:
Partner would only receive message if partner variant or Story is left blank
FPM would only receive message if Field variant, Story was left blank, or PnP not uploaded
Comms would receive message if comms variant was left blank commented:

(Amy) QR - Since there is no review your work step, you can submit your report inadvertantly with no data in it, especially if they don't save work. Or they can have wrong data and not know it. Or if there is a bug and the data didn't save.

➤ Seth McKnight commented:  ( )(cc @amy Rickwartz ( ) )... this was from feedback from the initial Quarterly Reports testing. Would you do a quick review and validate if

  1. we won't do this and it should be archived
  2. this is a real need but shouldn't be addressed this cycle
  3. or this is a real need and should be here commented:

@Vonshel Davis ( )  I am looking for your response on this ticket, did you open a separate ticket? I know I saw you post your rec based on your research

➤ Amy Rickwartz commented:

In our product/dev sync, we decided to work on revising this design because the pop-up modal covers the confetti interaction on submit form. Created a sub-task for work.

➤ Seth McKnight commented:

@andre Turner  ( )I know this is already In Review, but would you add story points when you get a chance?

Note on Status - In Review

➤ Vonshel Davis commented: ( ) I've completed the 1st draft for ticket and ready for review. I'm wondering if you have anytime available between 2pm - 5pm EST today. I've attached a quick mockup for review to this message. commented:

@carson Full ( ) @andre Turner ( )  Please deploy to dev. We have decided to go with the original design/code that has been completed for now and will revisit inline design separately. Understanding the confetti after ignoring missing data message is not ideal, we would like this deployed for quarterly reporting that starts next week