SeedCompany / cord-field


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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Partner Profile - Initial UI Update

sync-by-unito opened this issue · comments

┆Issue is synchronized with this Monday item by Unito

➤ Adam Lang commented:

This is blocked until the new design is complete

➤ Adam Lang commented:

This ticket's scope only involves making the tabbed layout for partner profile view and adding the existing data commented:

  1. Missing Tabs: Finance, Languages, Notes
    I understand the languages tab is being worked in another ticket but the Finance and Notes tab are expected prior to moving to prod.
  2. Issue with scrolling: for smaller screens, users cannot scroll tabs or tables
    3. Table is different than design. Will discuss with Carson and Cathy in 11/16 meeting general direction for tables, any requested changes will be in a separate ticket
    - Line Height, Font, background (grey)
    4. Tab Casing and Magnification- Will update in separate ticket

➤ Seth McKnight commented: ( ) would you check this in Dev? If it looks like the tabs work correctly then let's have the team deploy this today.