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Error Saving Explanation of Progress with status "On Time"

sync-by-unito opened this issue · comments

Tried to open Progress report received error.Cannot return null for non-nullable field SecuredStringList.value..Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0').Cannot return null for non-nullable field SecuredStringList.value.

┆Issue is synchronized with this Monday item by Unito

➤ Seth McKnight commented:

When attempting to open the Q1FY22 report for Random - Test Project 2 / RandomAmikol, goes to the error loading report screen and receive the following 2 errors:

{ "errors": [ { "message": "Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')", "extensions": { "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "exception": { "stacktrace": [ "TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')", " at ProgressReportVarianceExplanationReasonOptionsResolver.scheduleStatus (/opt/cord-api/src/components/progress-report/variance-explanation/variance-explanation.resolver.ts:67:38)", " at /opt/cord-api/node_modules/@nestjs/core/helpers/external-context-creator.js:70:33", " at runMicrotasks ()", " at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)", " at target (/opt/cord-api/node_modules/@nestjs/core/helpers/external-context-creator.js:77:28)", " at run (/opt/cord-api/node_modules/@nestjs/graphql/dist/utils/decorate-field-resolver.util.js:20:28)", " at /opt/cord-api/node_modules/@nestjs/graphql/dist/utils/decorate-field-resolver.util.js:26:30", " at /opt/cord-api/src/core/graphql/graphql-tracing.plugin.ts:76:9", " at /opt/cord-api/src/core/tracing/tracing.service.ts:16:21", " at run (/opt/cord-api/node_modules/@nestjs/graphql/dist/utils/decorate-field-resolver.util.js:20:28)" ] }, "codes": [ "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "Server" ] }, "locations": [ { "line": 339, "column": 3 } ], "path": [ "periodicReport", "varianceExplanation", "scheduleStatus" ] }, { "message": "Cannot return null for non-nullable field SecuredStringList.value.", "extensions": { "code": "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "codes": [ "INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR", "GraphQL", "Server" ] }, "locations": [ { "line": 342, "column": 5 } ], "path": [ "periodicReport", "varianceExplanation", "reasons", "value" ] } ], "data": null }