SecondSonConsulting / Renew

A macOS script to encourage users to restart their workstations

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Add "assertions" functionality to avoid popups during Zoom/teams/powerpoint

SecondSonConsulting opened this issue · comments

we can use pmset -g to review assertions, need to parse the text output.

Pico provided some links:

Detect if the screen is awake:
if [[ "$(osascript -l 'JavaScript' -e 'ObjC.import("CoreGraphics"); $.CGDisplayIsActive($.CGMainDisplayID())')" == '1' ]]; then

And this detects if the screen is unlocked:
if [[ "$(/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :IOConsoleUsers:0:CGSSessionScreenIsLocked' /dev/stdin <<< "$(ioreg -ac IORegistryEntry -k IOConsoleUsers -d 1)" 2> /dev/null)" != 'true' ]]; then