SebastianThiebaud / STTweetLabel

Deprecated - A UILabel with #hashtag @handle and links tappable

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STTweetLabel as a subview of a contentView of the UITableViewCell. Detection is not working

r3econ opened this issue · comments

Hi Sebastien,

Firstable great piece of code!
Unfortunately I have a problem. When I add STTweetLabel to the contentView of the UITableViewCell, the detection is not working. The touchesBegan method is not called. enableUserInteraction is set to YES.

I have no idea what can be wrong.



First I want to say STTweetLabel can operate inside a UITableViewCell. Maybe you have a view above the table view or a gesture recognizer somewhere?

Hi Sebastien,

Yes, I confirm. Everything works as expected. I cannot tell what the problem was. Simply the touch events were not submitted to all the subviews of the contentView of the cell. I was running it in the simulator. When I reset content and settings of it and installed the app again it all worked as it should.

Sorry for alerting. I'm closing this issue.
Once again thanks for the code!

Kind Regards,