SeannZhou / smashshell

My personal small shell program in C

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SMASH program

Run "make" in the SMASH program directory to compile and build the program. If compiled with no errors 
you then do "./smash" to being the shell program. You can run with -d flag to see debug prints.

	Once you start the program the SMASH will prompt you right away and you can began passing commands in. The program will
go into a while loop of reading a processing inputs. It will read in the inputs character by character until it hits &, 
end of line, and will skip if file redirections are passed in. For file redirections, if they are created/opened successfully 
right after control returns to main it will check if there are and file redirections, if there where the program will call dup() 
to save the stdout/stderr/stdin that's being switched then call dup2() to switch it with the passed file. The file will be 
switched back with at the end of command completed and their file descriptor will be closed. 

	File redirections are processed as the line is read, if the user decides to pass in any files they are opened immediately.
If a file fails to opened/created it will omit those files and use standard file descriptors for the command. At the end of 
every command file descriptors are restored and closed.

	After commands are parsed in for any command that can be processed without forking they are processed right away such as:
cd jobs, pwd, setting any environment variables, or kill. These commands are quick system calls with or without parameters, 
if the command passed isn't one of these then it continues to fork and call through execve(command, parameters). First the 
process checks if the command exist in the directory or the path that it's point at, if it's not that then it calls the command
with /bin/ to see if it's a bin command. ls is executed through the bin command execve of the fork and for other commands they
are executed if they exist. If any of the execve fails because of unknown file or failed execution they free allocated parameters
and exit(1) in their respective process. If you call a command with an & then instead of calling pause() it continues right 
after the fork to pick up the next prompt.

	Echo is called as a function in the program where it parses the command line and prints whatever isn't a variable (prefixed) 
with $. You can set any enviroment variable by entering "variable=value" into the smash line.  

	When a child process finishes a signal handler will be waiting to reap the process and get it's return value as well as the 
name of the process. These jobs are managed with a fixed sized array of job structs created at compile time. The program can hold
up to 10 jobs at once, whenever a process is forked a job is added to the list. When the SIGCHILD handler is reaping these 
processes it deleted them from the list giving more room for future processes. A SIGSTOP handler is defined to capture any ctrl-z 
presses when running a process on a foreground. The sigstop handler function will sigstop the foreground process and send a SIGCONT 
to all the other processes in the jobs list. For ctrl-c HOWEVER it stops all processes in the list.

	You can terminate the program by entering "exit" and smash will exit safely after cleaning up. Any file redirections will be 
closed. The only memory allocated are for the strings passed in which are freed at the end of every iteration of the parent process 
as well as failed child processes before they exit. 


My personal small shell program in C


Language:C 99.0%Language:Makefile 1.0%