SeanNaren / deepspeech.torch

Speech Recognition using DeepSpeech2 network and the CTC activation function.

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Create pre-trained model on Librispeech

SeanNaren opened this issue · comments

There has been a lot of attempts to get the model trained on Librispeech 1k hours of training data so providing a trained model I think would be very beneficial (as well as the steps to replicate).

  • Prepare dataset on file system
  • Create LMDB and make modifications to support this
  • Train till convergence
  • Add model to repo and document

Stretch goal:

  • Allow loading of previous model and training from these weights

I've added a checklist to the main issue which I'll update as I complete tasks!

I'm training the model now. I've modified params and will explain how I trained this model from the ground up. It doesn't strictly follow the DeepSpeech architecture mainly out of performance reasons and aiding convergence.

Hi @SeanNaren, are you planning to upload the model? The community thanks you!

@iassael Sorry for the disappearance... will upload the models tomorrow and give the WER/CERs currently for them. Still plan on improving the smaller version but will get the release out!

@SeanNaren that's amazing. If you need any help with hosting let me know!

Here we are guys :) Huuuge thank you to @maciejkorzepa for giving me the LibriSpeech model!

I think we could squeeze a little bit more out of some of the models in terms of accuracies, but they are a good baseline to start from!

@iassael Thanks for the offer of hosting, Seems like github handled them alright

@SeanNaren do you have information on how you were able to make this converge?