SeaDve / Mousai

Identify songs in seconds

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use Mousai from the command line

onny opened this issue · comments

it would be cool to use Mousai from the commandline like

mousai --recognize-audio

and it would print the result without using the GUI.
Best regards

Nice idea, although, I'm currently busy with school. I'll try to implement it on weekends, together with new features

Also, with flatpak it might be flatpak run io.github.seadve.Kooha --args, so it may be longer than what's convenient.

Any updates. BTW, thanks for do this.

The codebase has been refactored to simplify the implementation for this.

Nice idea, although, I'm currently busy with school. I'll try to implement it on weekends, together with new features

Also, with flatpak it might be flatpak run io.github.seadve.Kooha --args, so it may be longer than what's convenient.

This can be simplified by either of the following:

# Solution 1: Alias The Flatpak Command For That App
alias mousai='flatpak run io.github.seadve.Mousai'
mousai --args # Shortest and sweetest

# Solution 2: Add System & User Flatpak Apps to $PATH
io.github.seadve.Mousai --args # Not likely to be confused for a non-flatpak app

Does --recognize-audio really need to be specified? I would think --hidden or --cli should be enough.