ScriptFUSION / PHPUnit-Immediate-Exception-Printer

:fax: Immediately prints exception and assertion failures during testing.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Create some indicator on succeeding tests to show whether an any previous test has failed

Bilge opened this issue · comments


It can be difficult to tell at-a-glance whether the test suite has encountered a failure yet: one typically has to scroll up carefully and see if there's any "red" in the output. However, we could create some sort of indicator as to whether any of the previous tests have failed so one only has to scroll if they want to know the specifics. Furthermore, such an indicator would quickly lead the reader towards the first failure.

This author suggests such an indicator could be as simple as colouring the "success dot" (.) red if any previous test has failed.


Closed via 🏷 1.2.0.