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Autoupdate to manifest url

insertokername opened this issue · comments

Hello everyone!

I was wondering if there was any way i could use the autoupdate name@version feature with a manifest specified as a path and not from a bucket.

For example lets say i have a manifest.json that has an autoupdate field. If I were to run:

scoop install ./manifest.json@20

I would receive the error: Couldn't find manifest for 'manifestjson@20'

Is there any workaround to this? Any flags i could set?

Unfortunately, this feature is not available in Scoop now. You need to create a manifest containing the correct version.

Could i start development on this myself?

I would like to add an option flag "-v" or something similar in which i can specify the autoupdate version, the -v flag overwriting the @ symbol.

For me adding buckets takes more time than installing the actual app and is really bothersome especially since i have to do this on multiple machines and wastes a bunch of time. Using a -v flag would be optimal for me in my situation and I'm sure i can find more uses for it. Adding the @ autoupdate selector to links would greatly lessen the time it takes for me to setup my machines.

Hope you consider allowing me to develop this feature!

Sorry for the many messages but i have been looking around in the source and i think i have found an easier way of just implementing the original feature i was looking for.


Lines 1174 to 1180 in d337bb1

function parse_app([string]$app) {
if ($app -match '^(?:(?<bucket>[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)/)?(?<app>.*\.json$|[a-zA-Z0-9-_.]+)(?:@(?<version>.*))?$') {
return $Matches['app'], $Matches['bucket'], $Matches['version']
} else {
return $app, $null, $null

Changing this regex to


(removing the $ after .json) seems to accomplish exactly what i was looking for in the original request. Examining the regex more i can't seem to find any conflicts that may be caused by removing the $ anchor.

Looking forward to your feedback!

You are right, please submit a PR and I'll review it.