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[Feature] add `archvar` in `architecture` and use it in `env_add_path`, `bin`, `shortcuts` etc rather than stuffing these hard-coded inside `architecture`

goyalyashpal opened this issue · comments

Summaries & Titles

  • add something like archvar in architecture and use it in env_add_path, bin, shortcuts etc rather than stuffing these hard-coded inside architecture

Feature Request

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

  • for packages which have arch dependent env_path, bin, or shortcuts;
  • the current approach is to put these repeatedly in the each of architecture.<arch>
  • otherwise, problems shared by @ issaclin32 in reply to @ rashil2000 at ScoopInstaller/Main#2784 come up
  • #1372 (comment)

i.e. you want to:

  • be able to select or deselect an arch (like with nesting currently)
  • while simultaneously getting DRYness & leanness of global vars

Describe the solution you'd like

the basic idea is to define a variable (say archvar) in each arch of architecture i.e. at architecture.<arch>.archvar,
then using that in the global definition of all these other fields.

fields like:

  • bin, shortcuts
  • env_add_path, env_set
  • maybe even autoupdate..url & autoupdate..regex too lol
    but i can't fathom that right now, so, it isn't enacted in examples.
    also, this will likely intermingle the manifest-update logic with manifest-install logic which would be unwanted

more details posted at this comment below:
#5961 (comment)

example manifest

examples posted at this comment below:
#5961 (comment)

Describe alternatives you've considered

Example manifests

found using on searching by nesting's 8-space indent for:

main/autoit: "_x64", ""

    "version": "",
    "description": "Scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": {
        "identifier": "Freeware",
        "url": ""
    "suggest": {
        "vcredist": [
        "AutoIt Script Editor": "extras/autoit-script-editor"
    "url": "",
    "hash": "8b7098c44275d0203c23f2ce56c0e913c0d6b6d2264bc537e8a9f0a9f07badc9",
    "extract_dir": "install",

    "architecture": {
        "64bit": { "archvar": "_x64" },
        "32bit": { "archvar": "" },

    "bin": [
    "shortcuts": [
            "AutoIt Window Info Tool"
            "AutoIt Script Compiler"
            "AutoIt Script Editor"

    "post_install": [
        "$editor = versiondir 'autoit-script-editor' 'current'",
        "if (Test-Path $editor) {",
        "   Remove-Item \"$dir\\SciTe\" -Recurse -Force",
        "   New-Item -Path \"$dir\\SciTE\" -Value \"$editor\" -ItemType Junction | Out-Null",
    "checkver": {
        "url": "",
        "regex": "<td>v([\\d.]+)</td>"
    "autoupdate": {
        "url": ""

main/miktex: "x64"

    "version": "24.1",
    "description": "MikTeX, an up-to-date implementation of TeX/LaTeX and related programs.",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": {
        "identifier": "LPPL1.3c,GPL-3.0-or-later,Public Domain,...",
        "url": ""

    "architecture": {
        "64bit": {
            "url": "",
            "hash": "94ddd75e2b90309b75db6dbda7d8103fcebda4495b579695e925e885d2b92704",
            "archvar": "x64"

    "bin": [
            "--hide --mkmaps"
    "shortcuts": [
            "MiKTeX Console"
    "env_add_path": "texmfs\\install\\miktex\\bin\\$archvar",

    "installer": {
        "args": [
    "persist": "texmfs\\config",
    "checkver": {
        "url": "",
        "regex": "basic-miktex-([\\d.]+)-x64\\.exe"
    "autoupdate": {
        "architecture": {
            "64bit": {
                "url": "$version-x64.exe"
        "hash": {
            "url": "",
            "regex": "(?sm)$basename</div>.*?$sha256"

extras/idea: "64", ""

    "version": "2024.1.1-241.15989.150",
    "description": "Cross-Platform IDE for Java by JetBrains (Community edition).",
    "homepage": "",
    "license": {
        "identifier": "Apache-2.0",
        "url": ""
    "url": "",
    "hash": "347caa8c4d848bbc5694d32b99b52747c65e082d353fa1ea9428dca00ae2efaf",
    "extract_to": "IDE",
    "installer": {
        "script": "& \"$bucketsdir\\extras\\scripts\\jetbrains\\portable.ps1\" $dir $persist_dir"

    "architecture": {
        "64bit": { "archvar": "64" },
        "32bit": { "archvar": "" }

    "bin": [
    "shortcuts": [

    "persist": [
    "checkver": {
        "url": "",
        "regex": "version\":\"(?<ver>[\\d.]+)\".*\"build\":\"(?<build>[\\d.]+)\"",
        "replace": "${ver}-${build}"
    "autoupdate": {
        "url": "$",
        "hash": {
            "url": "$url.sha256"

extras/q-dir "_x64", ""

changes not synthesized yet

<local>/context.json "win64", "mswin"

manifest not figured out yet

Describe the solution you'd like

  • being able to specify some variable inside the each of the architecture, say archvar or archspec or archdir or (as used by context typesetting:) platform
  • and then using that in the (global) bin, shortcuts, env_add_path, env_set etc
  • this way, the manifests will become much more DRY, leaner & easier to follow

a nuance:

  • set it to "" (empty string) to indicate empty string, but valid
  • set it to null to indicate invalid
    but i think this would be superfluous - as in, why is that arch there in first place if it's invalid
  • this invalid case can be used at place where some arch doesn't fit this generalisation
    say, bin doesn't exist for 32bit or there's inconsistency in archvar for some of the variables for an <arch>

but what would be its default value? i.e. what will happen in following cases:

  • where it's used in global definitions (say bin) & is not defined in at least one of the otherwise used archs?
    i'd say that such a manifest itself should be discarded right at the schema level.