ScoopInstaller / BucketTemplate

Template Bucket for Scoop Installer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Bug]: GH action Excavator gives no feedback for 404 errors in autoupdates

ltguillaume opened this issue · comments


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Package Name


Expected/Current Behaviour

I'm hoping that a change to the Excavator GitHub action can provide direct feedback when an autoupdate action fails. Currently, if such an error occurs, the Excavator just seems to have succeeded without any errors. As such, problems will only be detected by manually going through the logs and it will seem like there weren't any updates for the application.

More generally, it would be desirable that any ERROR output by scoop results in a warning on the GitHub Action level.

In the Action log:

Autoupdating betterbird-future
Downloading somethingsomething.installer.exe to compute hashes!
The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
URL https://something.something/somethingsomething.installer.exe#/dl.7z is not valid
ERROR Could not update something, hash for somethingsomething.installer.exe failed!

Steps to Reproduce

1. Have a bucket that uses Excavator
2. Change in some manifest the `autoupdate`->`architecture`->`*`->`url` to something that results in a 404 error
3. Have an update ready for the corresponding application or change to a previous version in the manifest
4. Let Excavator run and seemingly complete successfully

Possible Solution

Probably something to react to errorlevels or an error/failed env. variable?

Scoop and Buckets Version


Scoop Config


PowerShell Version


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