SciNim / nim-plotly

plotly wrapper for nim-lang

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Layout Width as % of Container

sdmcallister opened this issue · comments


I have a karax widget where I want to embed a plot but I want the plot width to be responsive to the container.

I think this might be achieved by adding a config param:

Karax Widget.

proc renderPlotlyCard(title, subtitle, body: string): VNode = 
  result = buildHtml(tdiv(class="card")):
    h2: text title
    h5: text subtitle
    tdiv(id="plot0", style="height:400px;width:100%;".toCss)
    p: text body

The doPlot proc just returns:

                  Plotly.newPlot('plot0', $1, $2)
              </script>""" % [parseTraces(p.traces), $(%p.layout)]

I just saw the autosize option. Thank you. Great library btw.