SavchenkoValeriy / emacs-powerthesaurus

Powerthesaurus integration for Emacs

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minibuffer doesn't expand

Xunius opened this issue · comments

I noticed that when issuing M-x powerthesaurus-lookup-word when a word is selected, my minibuffer won't expand to show the candidates as illustrated in the demo gif, but only showing the choose a synonym prompt. I have to type ? to manually expand it. How could I let it auto expand? Thanks.

can you please attach a screenshot of such behavior?

Screenshot from 2020-02-28 17-31-48
Hi, thanks for the prompt reply.
This is how it looks like after I do M-x powerthesaurus-lookup-word-at-point.
I noticed that both ? and TAB will trigger the completion list. So maybe that's the expected behavior and I just did not see that in the demo gif. I'm perfectly fine with the TAB trigger. Can consider close this.

What completion system do you use? I guess that if it's not Helm or Ivy, it would indeed look like this

I was not using Helm nor Ivy.
Quickly tried ivy-mode, this time completion list auto expanded. Thanks!

Yeah, I use whatever completion system is currently set up by the user. The default one doesn't show candidates (without TAB) for anything (files, buffers, functions, etc.).
I'm glad we resolved it :)