Satyxm / PawfectPics

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PawfectPics (Project to be built during Recalling of HTML, CSS, JS Concepts for 14 Days from 100DaysOfCode)

Context - Doing this Challenge on Bluesky and main motive is getting proficient in backend but, since i had a quite grasp on html, css and js fundamentals I thought of learning the respective frameworks and combined knowledge of frontend, backend, and quite a knowledge of docker (i also have :)). Therefore, The route now is Full-Stacked :)

All of this GPT Generated

1. Project Overview:

  • Create a web-based dog image search engine called "PuppyPics."
  • Users can enter keywords (e.g., "golden retriever," "pug") to search for dog images.
  • The application will fetch and display relevant dog images from an external API.

2. Technologies:

  • HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6+)
  • Dog image API (e.g., Dog CEO's Dog API)

3. Project Structure:

  • Create a root project folder named "PuppyPics."
  • Inside the folder, organize your project as follows:
    • index.html: The main HTML file.
    • style.css: The CSS file for styling.
    • script.js: The JavaScript file for interactivity.
    • images/: A folder to store project-related images.

4. HTML Structure:

  • Create the basic HTML structure with appropriate HTML5 semantics.
  • Include the following key elements:
    • Header with a title ("PuppyPics") and a search input field.
    • A section to display search results (initially empty).
    • Footer with project information.

5. CSS Styling:

  • Style the header, search bar, results section, and footer for an attractive and user-friendly design.
  • Implement responsive design for various screen sizes.

6. JavaScript Functionality:

  • Handle user input and interaction.
  • Create event listeners for form submission and button clicks.
  • Make asynchronous requests to the dog image API using fetch or XMLHttpRequest.
  • Parse the API response and dynamically generate HTML to display the search results.
  • Implement error handling for API requests and user feedback.

7. API Integration:

  • Choose a reliable dog image API (e.g., Dog CEO's Dog API).
  • Sign up for an API key if required.
  • Use the API to fetch dog images based on user search queries.

8. User Interface (UI):

  • Design an intuitive and user-friendly interface:
    • Display loading indicators during API requests.
    • Show search results with dog images, captions, or additional details.

9. Accessibility:

  • Ensure the project follows accessibility best practices:
    • Use proper HTML semantics.
    • Provide alt text for images.
    • Test for keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility.

10. Testing and Debugging:

  • Test the application in different browsers to ensure cross-browser compatibility.
  • Use browser developer tools for debugging and fixing issues.

11. Deployment:

  • Choose a hosting platform (e.g., GitHub Pages, Netlify, Vercel) to deploy your project.
  • Configure the domain and hosting settings.

12. Documentation:

  • Create a file to document the project, including setup instructions and usage details.

13. Continuous Learning:

  • Keep learning and improving your web development skills as you work on the project.

14. Future Enhancements:

  • Consider future enhancements such as user accounts, favorites, or additional features based on user feedback.

  • This Project Single-Handedly Taught me a lot of things!



Language:CSS 49.2%Language:HTML 32.3%Language:JavaScript 18.5%