Sanster / IOPaint

Image inpainting tool powered by SOTA AI Model. Remove any unwanted object, defect, people from your pictures or erase and replace(powered by stable diffusion) any thing on your pictures.

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[BUG] Using a symlink for the model dir causes fatal error on startup

Tophness opened this issue · comments

Which model are you using?
(although any model will fail)

Describe the bug
Using a symlink for the model dir will result in error.


(venv) C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint>iopaint start --model=Lykon/dreamshaper-8-inpainting --device=cuda --port=8080 --model-dir=./models
2024-03-24 17:27:36.523 | INFO     | iopaint.runtime:setup_model_dir:82 - Model directory: C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\models
- Platform: Windows-10-10.0.22621-SP0
- Python version: 3.10.6
- torch: 2.2.1+cu121
- torchvision: 0.17.1+cu121
- Pillow: 9.5.0
- diffusers: 0.26.3
- transformers: 4.39.1
- opencv-python:
- accelerate: 0.28.0
- iopaint: 1.2.2
- rembg: N/A
- realesrgan: N/A
- gfpgan: N/A

In this conversion only the non-EMA weights are extracted. If you want to instead extract the EMA weights (usually better for inference), please make sure to add the `--extract_ema` flag.
╭─────────────────────────────── Traceback (most recent call last) ────────────────────────────────╮
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\typer_config\ in     │
│ wrapped                                                                                          │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\iopaint\ in start          │
│                                                                                                  │
│   163 │                                                                                          │
│   164 │   from import cli_download_model, scan_models                           │
│   165 │                                                                                          │
│ ❱ 166 │   scanned_models = scan_models()                                                         │
│   167 │   if model not in [ for it in scanned_models]:                                    │
│   168 │   │"{model} not found in {model_dir}, try to downloading")               │
│   169 │   │   cli_download_model(model)                                                          │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\iopaint\ in           │
│ scan_models                                                                                      │
│                                                                                                  │
│   288 │   model_dir = os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", DEFAULT_MODEL_DIR)                             │
│   289 │   available_models = []                                                                  │
│   290 │   available_models.extend(scan_inpaint_models(model_dir))                                │
│ ❱ 291 │   available_models.extend(scan_single_file_diffusion_models(model_dir))                  │
│   292 │   available_models.extend(scan_diffusers_models())                                       │
│   293 │   available_models.extend(scan_converted_diffusers_models(model_dir))                    │
│   294 │   return available_models                                                                │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\iopaint\ in           │
│ scan_single_file_diffusion_models                                                                │
│                                                                                                  │
│   150 │   │   model_abs_path = str(it.absolute())                                                │
│   151 │   │   model_type = sdxl_model_type_cache.get(                                    │
│   152 │   │   if model_type is None:                                                             │
│ ❱ 153 │   │   │   model_type = get_sdxl_model_type(model_abs_path)                               │
│   154 │   │   sdxl_model_type_cache[] = model_type                                        │
│   155 │   │   if stable_diffusion_xl_dir.exists():                                               │
│   156 │   │   │   with open(sdxl_cache_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fw:                       │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\iopaint\ in            │
│ get_sdxl_model_type                                                                              │
│                                                                                                  │
│    95 │   │   │   if "Trying to set a tensor of shape torch.Size([320, 4, 3, 3])" in str(e):     │
│    96 │   │   │   │   model_type = ModelType.DIFFUSERS_SDXL                                      │
│    97 │   │   │   else:                                                                          │
│ ❱  98 │   │   │   │   raise e                                                                    │
│    99 │   return model_type                                                                      │
│   100                                                                                            │
│   101                                                                                            │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\iopaint\ in            │
│ get_sdxl_model_type                                                                              │
│                                                                                                  │
│    80 │   │   from diffusers import StableDiffusionXLInpaintPipeline                             │
│    81 │   │                                                                                      │
│    82 │   │   try:                                                                               │
│ ❱  83 │   │   │   model = StableDiffusionXLInpaintPipeline.from_single_file(                     │
│    84 │   │   │   │   model_abs_path,                                                            │
│    85 │   │   │   │   load_safety_checker=False,                                                 │
│    86 │   │   │   │   num_in_channels=9,                                                         │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\huggingface_hub\utils\ │
│ :118 in _inner_fn                                                                                │
│                                                                                                  │
│   115 │   │   if check_use_auth_token:                                                           │
│   116 │   │   │   kwargs = smoothly_deprecate_use_auth_token(fn_name=fn.__name__, has_token=ha   │
│   117 │   │                                                                                      │
│ ❱ 118 │   │   return fn(*args, **kwargs)                                                         │
│   119 │                                                                                          │
│   120 │   return _inner_fn  # type: ignore                                                       │
│   121                                                                                            │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\diffusers\loaders\ │
│ in from_single_file                                                                              │
│                                                                                                  │
│   250 │   │   │   if name in passed_class_obj:                                                   │
│   251 │   │   │   │   init_kwargs[name] = passed_class_obj[name]                                 │
│   252 │   │   │   else:                                                                          │
│ ❱ 253 │   │   │   │   components = build_sub_model_components(                                   │
│   254 │   │   │   │   │   init_kwargs,                                                           │
│   255 │   │   │   │   │   class_name,                                                            │
│   256 │   │   │   │   │   name,                                                                  │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\diffusers\loaders\  │
│ in build_sub_model_components                                                                    │
│                                                                                                  │
│    55 │                                                                                          │
│    56 │   if component_name == "unet":                                                           │
│    57 │   │   num_in_channels = kwargs.pop("num_in_channels", None)                              │
│ ❱  58 │   │   unet_components = create_diffusers_unet_model_from_ldm(                            │
│    59 │   │   │   pipeline_class_name, original_config, checkpoint, num_in_channels=num_in_cha   │
│    60 │   │   )                                                                                  │
│    61 │   │   return unet_components                                                             │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\diffusers\loaders\single_file_utils. │
│ py:1173 in create_diffusers_unet_model_from_ldm                                                  │
│                                                                                                  │
│   1170 │                                                                                         │
│   1171 │   if is_accelerate_available():                                                         │
│   1172 │   │   for param_name, param in diffusers_format_unet_checkpoint.items():                │
│ ❱ 1173 │   │   │   set_module_tensor_to_device(unet, param_name, "cpu", value=param)             │
│   1174 │   else:                                                                                 │
│   1175 │   │   unet.load_state_dict(diffusers_format_unet_checkpoint)                            │
│   1176                                                                                           │
│                                                                                                  │
│ C:\Users\chris\AppData\Local\IOPaint\venv\lib\site-packages\accelerate\utils\ in  │
│ set_module_tensor_to_device                                                                      │
│                                                                                                  │
│    345 │                                                                                         │
│    346 │   if value is not None:                                                                 │
│    347 │   │   if old_value.shape != value.shape:                                                │
│ ❱  348 │   │   │   raise ValueError(                                                             │
│    349 │   │   │   │   f'Trying to set a tensor of shape {value.shape} in "{tensor_name}" (whic  │
│    350 │   │   │   )                                                                             │
│    351                                                                                           │
ValueError: Trying to set a tensor of shape torch.Size([320, 8, 3, 3]) in "weight" (which has shape torch.Size([320, 9,
3, 3])), this look incorrect.

System Info
Software version used

  • lama-cleaner: 1.2.2
  • pytorch: 2.2.1
  • CUDA: 12.1