Sandy2668 / testing-jira

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Projects Registry automation

Important links


  1. AirTable table with Form
  2. Heroku account with access to project
  3. Git on local computer
  4. Jira Software space with tempalte projects. NB Only issue tree is copied to new projects
  5. GitHub account for repos
  6. Python knowledge + libraries listed in requirements.txt and runtime.txt in repo

Updating code

Simple way is

  1. Only once - Install Heroku Cli (instructions for Win/Mac here)
  2. Once in a while - do heroku login, continue in browser
  3. do heroku git:clone -a projects-registry
  4. enter folder by cd projects-registry

When done editing, git add, then git commit, then git push heroku, app will be deployed, rebuilt and launched

Updating Config Variables

Config variables are managed in project settings on Heroku, click [Reveal Config Vars].

NB After editing any of the variables, container will restart taking the changes into account, last codebase will be used.

  • AIRTABLE_BASE: App Id, go to AirTable Help -> API, select desired database and ID will be shown
  • AIRTABLE_KEY: Generate API key here
  • AIRTABLE_TABLE: Same as App (Base) Id above, just with Table
  • CC_TEMPL: Chose cookiecutter template for repos, currently Data Science
  • GIT_TOKEN: Github token generated here, requires repo permissions
  • GIT_U: GitHub username
  • JIRA_EMAIL: Self-explanatory, account requires admin permissions for space
  • JIRA_SRV: Self-explanatory,
  • JIRA_TEMPL: possible values are listed in Jira API docs
  • JIRA_TOKEN: Generate in account settings -> security
  • LOGGING: TRACE (detailed) or DEBUG (medium) or INFO (superficial)
  • SACRED: List of templates-projects' keys, currently only MIG for Migration project, separated by semicolon
  • TZ: e.g. America/Denver, internal instance timezone. Heroku logs are always UTC
