SanderMertens / sqlite

SQLite binding for corto

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SQLite binding for Cortex


This project depends on a Cortex environment. Install Cortex. Don't forget to source configure to ready the Cortex environment, and make it.

Install the sqlite3 development library:

sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev

Configure your Cortex-sqlite environment using the configure file in this project's directory.

source configure

Now, from this project's folder, run make.


Note: the testfiles should be created outside the sqlite directory.

The current workflow is


enum DogBreed:: Golden, Shiba, Xoloitzcuintle

bitmask DogMood:: Cuddly, Playful, Kinky

struct Dog::
    name: string
    age: uint8
    breed: DogBreed
    mood: DogMood
// store->db

sqlite::connector connector: "test.db"

string human: "Ada"::
    bool smart: true
    int64 trunk: 8::
        int32 leftArm: 4
        int32 rightArm: 4::
            int16 finger: 2
    uint64 rightLeg: 555

Dog johnny: "Johnny", 4, DogBreed::Shiba, DogMood::Cuddly|DogMood::Playful
Dog enrique: "Enrique", 10, DogBreed::Golden, DogMood::Playful|DogMood::Kinky|DogMood::Cuddly
// db->store

sqlite::connector connector: "test.db"

And then run :

cortex testdef test1
cxsh testdef test2


SQLite binding for corto


Language:C 99.7%Language:Makefile 0.3%