SanderMertens / ecs_pong

A no-frills implementation of pong in the flecs ECS framework

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bake unable to clone dependencies: `bake clone SanderMertens/ecs_pong`

amphrony opened this issue · comments


I'm a Flecs newbie on Ubuntu 20 trying to get started with the ecs_pong demo.

Following the instructions from,
bake clone SanderMertens/ecs_pong
fails to clone the dependencies, unable to find them under

However, bake was successfully able to clone the dependencies when using flecs-hub instead of SanderMertens, like this:
bake clone flecs-hub/ecs_pong

Then the build for flecs-math fails (compiler expects ';' after 'FLECS_MATH_EXPORT'), but maybe that's a separate issue.