SanderMertens / bake

Bake, A build system for building, testing and running C & C++ projects

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Bake support for iOS

prime31 opened this issue · comments

Bake can currently spit out macOS dylibs but there doesn't appear to be a way to get iOS ARM dylibs built.

Just dropping some info here in case it is useful.

I've been experimenting with getting iOS builds working for various other tools. One thing that semi-worked was to take a standard cmake file and export an Xcode project then build it from the command line.

Another option is something like this cmake iOS toolchain. Running a quick test with it I was able to spit out an iOS dynamic lib for cimgui with no changes at all to the cmake file they provide.

I don't know if bake has the power to spit out cmake files but if it does something like the above could be a solution.