Samsung / jalangi2

Dynamic analysis framework for JavaScript

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

J$ name conflict

stroucki opened this issue · comments

I am trying to instrument the javascript of a major web site, and their code seems to use an identifier named "J$", and that prevents Jalangi from working.

Is there a good way to configure another name for Jalangi to use? I would use something like "JalangiInstrumentation", should be more unique than "J$".

Wow, this is pretty surprising (at least I haven't seen it before)! Unfortunately, we do not have a way to configure the variable name used by Jalangi. Such support could be added but it would need to be done with care as a lot of code assumes J$ will hold the Jalangi object.

Thank you for the quick answer. I think a name like "J$" would well be in the range of some minifiers, or manually used for jquery.

We have a script right now to search and replace occurrences of J$ in the code.