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[WebView] How to clear all cached data?

ppaneksamsung opened this issue · comments

I develop a Xamarin.Forms application for Tizen TV (6.5), which uses Xamarin.Forms's WebView based on Tizen.WebView. I noticed that some data (cookies, storage data) is cached by the browser for consecutive WebView's launches. I need to clear all cached data in order to make sure that my app uses a 'clear' WebView every time it's launched.

I tried to call following API:


but this doesn't work.

Additionally, I tried to manually clear 'chromium-efl' storage:

var dataPath = Application.Current.DirectoryInfo.Data;
Directory.Delete(Path.Combine(dataPath, "chromium-efl"), true);

and it works partially, because cached data is removed, but I have to restart my app. It seems that WebView keeps data in memory.

Finally, I tried to call:
but for some reason, it causes my app to hang.


For my particular case, calling ewk_context_web_storage_delete_all fixes the issue. I used following extension method:

internal static partial class Interop
    private static class Libraries
        internal const string ChromiumEwk = "";

    internal static partial class ChromiumEwk
        internal static extern bool ewk_context_web_storage_delete_all(IntPtr context);

public static class ContextExtensions
    private static IntPtr GetHandle(this Context context)
        var contextType = context.GetType();
        var handleField = contextType.GetField(
            BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
        if (handleField == null)
            throw new NotSupportedException("Context doesn't have a _handle field");
        if (handleField.FieldType != typeof(IntPtr))
            throw new NotSupportedException(
                $"Unexpected field type. Expected {typeof(IntPtr)}, got {handleField.FieldType}");
        return (IntPtr) handleField.GetValue(context);

    public static bool DeleteWebStorage(this Context context)
        var handle = context.GetHandle();
        return Interop.ChromiumEwk.ewk_context_web_storage_delete_all(handle);

Consider to expose this CAPI. Another possible solution for my problem would be to launch a WebView in incognito mode, but I'm not sure if it's exposed now.

The problem seems to be a little bit more complex. It looks like Tizen.WebView was designed to be used as a 'singleton'. I use the AddJavaScriptMessageHandler method ( and this method adds a handler to static _javaScriptMessageHandlerMap dictionary. I don't see any option to remove already registered JS message handler. This is a problem in following case:

  • create 1st WebView
  • register JS message handler with some name
  • destroy 1st WebView
  • create 2nd WebView
  • register JS message handler with the same name as for 1st WebView

Second AddJavaScriptMessageHandler call fails due to:

if (_javaScriptMessageHandlerMap.ContainsKey(name))

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