Samsung / TizenFX

C# Device APIs for Tizen

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Problem with calling constructor System.Xml.XmlSerializer.XmlSerializer

gitchomik opened this issue · comments


I have got strange problem with System.Xml.XmlSerializer.XmlSerializer
It seem that app hang on calling constructor new XmlSerializer(typeof(A))


  1. I have create Visual Studio. NET -> New project ->Visual C# -> "Tizen Samsung TV 5.0" ->Blank App (Xamarin.Form)
  2. I add
    public class A { }
  3. in Main(string[] args) I just add line (at the begining)
    var xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(A));
  4. same problem when using
    var factory = new XmlSerializerFactory();
    but this time, app hangs on lilne below
  5. Then
  • build app (debug mode)
  • debug on ma TV using VS.NET
  • apps starts on TV
  • debuger attached on VS.NET
  • in debuger step in to new XmlSerializer(...)
  • debbuger hungs on this line
  • app hungs on TV
  • same probelm without debbuger (build Release, install using sdb, then just run on TV)

Testing enviroment:

  • Visual Studio. NET 2017 15.9.29
  • Tizen.NET (
  • Tizen.NET.TV (
  • Project Sdk="Tizen.NET.Sdk/1.0.9
  • TargetFramework=tizen50
  • tested on TV U58RU7172UXXH



Thank you for the issue reporting.
I've tried to reproduce the issue on my side but failed with this code below.

These are several things you could try:

  • VS2017 is not offcially supported, please use VS2019.
  • Please update Tizen Studio to the latest.
  • Please check if type A in your code is public and non-internal class like type B in the below

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