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[ElmSharp] CircleSpinner.Step does not change

shyunMin opened this issue · comments



CircleSpinner.Step does not change after CircleSpinner is activated.

As the picture shows, there's no any change on CircleSpinner even though I changed Step value.

Here is the test code I used.

using ElmSharp.Wearable;

namespace ElmSharp.Test.TC
    class CircleSpinnerTest1 : TestCaseBase
        public override string TestName => "CircleSpinnerTest1";
        public override string TestDescription => "To test basic operation of Circle Spinner with no AngleRatio";

        public override void Run(Window window)
            Log.Debug(TestName, "CircleSpinnerTest run");
            Conformant conformant = new Conformant(window);

            Layout layout = new Layout(window);
            layout.SetTheme("layout", "circle", "spinner");

            var surface = new CircleSurface(conformant);
            CircleSpinner spinner = new CircleSpinner(conformant, surface)
                Text = "Spinner Test",
                Style = "circle",
                LabelFormat = "%.1f",
                Minimum = 0,
                Maximum = 999,
                Value = 0,
                Step = 0.4,
                AlignmentX = -1,
                AlignmentY = 1,
                WeightX = 1,
                WeightY = 1

            Button button = new Button(layout) {
                Text = "Step : " + spinner.Step,

            button.Clicked += (s, e) =>
                spinner.Step = (spinner.Step < 1) ? 1 : 0.4;
                button.Text = "Step : " + spinner.Step;

            layout.SetPartContent("elm.swallow.btn", button);
            layout.SetPartText("elm.text", "Spinner Test");