SamiPerttu / fundsp

Library for audio processing and synthesis

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Unwanted noise when mixing

gjf2a opened this issue · comments


I am very inexperienced with DSP for sound synthesis, so if this issue resulted from me overlooking something obvious, please accept my apologies.

I'm experimenting with a system architecture for a polyphonic synthesizer. I am creating a multi-channel synth sound as a Net64. I am embedding Var objects within it. Whenever the player presses a key on the keyboard, it alters the pitch of one of the Var objects to correspond to the key's pitch.

In general, this works pretty well. Problems arise when I use more than five or six Var objects to store dynamic pitches. At that point, the sound output collapses into a pile of noise. I experimented with a high-pass filter but it was not effective in eliminating the noise.

To demonstrate the problem, I created the midi_var repository. The program simplifies the problem by removing the MIDI device. It activates one note every second; with 7 or more Var objects, even the first note activation causes the noise problems. Fewer than 7, and it generally sounds fine, with maybe a hint of noise when you get to 5 or 6.

Here is the code for embedding the Var objects, in this case pitch and velocity (corresponding to the MIDI messages coming from the keyboard). Placing them inside an envelope() was the only way I could figure out to make them responsive to changes in the Var, even though it just ignores the time parameter of the envelope():

envelope(move |_| midi_hz(pitch.value()))
                >> triangle() * (envelope(move |_| velocity.value() / 127.0))

Here is the code from the aforementioned, in case you can point out an error somewhere at a glance. Thank you in advance for any insight you may be able to offer:

use cpal::traits::{DeviceTrait, HostTrait, StreamTrait};
use cpal::{Device, Sample, SampleFormat, StreamConfig};
use fundsp::hacker::*;
use fundsp::prelude::AudioUnit64;

use bare_metal_modulo::*;

use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::{thread, time};

const NUM_TO_USE: usize = 7;

const NOTES: [(u8, u8); 10] = [
    (60, 127),
    (62, 100),
    (64, 127),
    (65, 50),
    (67, 80),
    (69, 100),
    (71, 60),
    (72, 127),
    (74, 100),
    (76, 127),

fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let mut vars: Vars<NUM_TO_USE> = Vars::new();

    let rest = time::Duration::from_secs(1);
    for i in 0..NOTES.len() {
        vars.on(NOTES[i].0, NOTES[i].1);

fn run_output<const N: usize>(vars: Vars<N>) {
    thread::spawn(move || {
        let host = cpal::default_host();
        let device = host
            .expect("failed to find a default output device");
        let config = device.default_output_config().unwrap();
        match config.sample_format() {
            SampleFormat::F32 => run_synth::<N, f32>(vars, device, config.into()),
            SampleFormat::I16 => run_synth::<N, i16>(vars, device, config.into()),
            SampleFormat::U16 => run_synth::<N, u16>(vars, device, config.into()),

struct Vars<const N: usize> {
    pitches: [An<Var<f64>>; N],
    velocities: [An<Var<f64>>; N],
    next: ModNumC<usize, N>,
    pitch2var: BTreeMap<u8, usize>,
    recent_pitches: [Option<u8>; N],

impl<const N: usize> Vars<N> {
    pub fn new() -> Self {
        Self {
            pitches: [(); N].map(|_| var(0, 0.0)),
            velocities: [(); N].map(|_| var(1, 0.0)),
            next: ModNumC::new(0),
            pitch2var: BTreeMap::new(),
            recent_pitches: [None; N],

    pub fn sound_at(&self, i: usize) -> Box<dyn AudioUnit64> {
        let pitch = self.pitches[i].clone();
        let velocity = self.velocities[i].clone();
            envelope(move |_| midi_hz(pitch.value()))
                >> triangle() * (envelope(move |_| velocity.value() / 127.0)),

    pub fn sound(&self) -> Net64 {
        let mut sound = Net64::wrap(self.sound_at(0));
        for i in 1..N {
            sound = Net64::bin_op(sound, Net64::wrap(self.sound_at(i)), FrameAdd::new());

    pub fn on(&mut self, pitch: u8, velocity: u8) {
        self.pitches[].clone().set_value(pitch as f64);
            .set_value(velocity as f64);
        self.recent_pitches[] = Some(pitch); += 1;

fn run_synth<const N: usize, T: Sample>(vars: Vars<N>, device: Device, config: StreamConfig) {
    let sample_rate = config.sample_rate.0 as f64;
    let mut sound = vars.sound();
    let mut next_value = move || sound.get_stereo();
    let channels = config.channels as usize;
    let err_fn = |err| eprintln!("an error occurred on stream: {err}");
    let stream = device
            move |data: &mut [T], _: &cpal::OutputCallbackInfo| {
                write_data(data, channels, &mut next_value)
    loop {}

fn write_data<T: Sample>(
    output: &mut [T],
    channels: usize,
    next_sample: &mut dyn FnMut() -> (f64, f64),
) {
    for frame in output.chunks_mut(channels) {
        let sample = next_sample();
        let left: T = Sample::from::<f32>(&(sample.0 as f32));
        let right: T = Sample::from::<f32>(&(sample.1 as f32));

        for (channel, sample) in frame.iter_mut().enumerate() {
            *sample = if channel & 1 == 0 { left } else { right };

Hi. Your program works fine for me, I can't hear any noise. Are you running in release mode? The debug mode can sometimes be too slow.

That was the problem! I was running in debug mode. In release mode, it sounds super-clean. Thanks for your help!