SaltechSystems / couchbase_lite

Flutter plugin for the Community edition of Couchbase Lite. Couchbase Lite is an embedded lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine.

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Out of date dependencies

mehrdad-shokri opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
Unmached peer dependencies with other installed libraries

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install couchbase_lit
  2. Install another library like flutter_flavorizr v2 flutter_cache_manager v3
  3. Dependency conflict

Expected behavior
Install as expected


Additional context
Can you update dependencies of this library specifically encrypt crypto uuid pedantic so that we can install latest versions of other libraries too?

I think choosing Couchbase as my flutter app storage was the wrong decision. ALthough real-time updates seem attractive at first, but, making the whole service dependant on Couchbase was a wrong move in general. You are tightly bound to Couchbase in both your mobile app and backend. coupling mobile app with a dependency which isn't an official SDK and doesn't get updated in 6 months makes the whole codebase obsolete. can't update other dependencies because of the out of date dependencies that this lib depends on.

Hi, I think every technology stack will have this very same problem you are talking about.

You will find in the PRs other put up some of the update path and with a little work here and there you will get this repository working with the new flutter and dart. It took me a day or two and my project is running fine with 20+ null-safety dependencies. I know that it might be frustrating but the guy share his work for free and asking nothing in return. Everything you need is there in the code base and the PRs.

Ask for help if you need any.

@function1983 I merged your changes in but the cd pipeline broke on me so changes will be in master but not published yet.

@mehrdad-shokri good callout. If I am not able to keep this current I will try to get some more admins on board to help. I do rely on this being an open source solution so if there is an issue please feel free to fix it and create a PR. Have a great day!

Upgraded this and did a prerelease of the nullsafety version