SaltechSystems / couchbase_lite

Flutter plugin for the Community edition of Couchbase Lite. Couchbase Lite is an embedded lightweight, document-oriented (NoSQL), syncable database engine.

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[Replicator Error: Permanent Redirect] Sync not working in iOS

dsourav opened this issue · comments


Hi I am trying to use Couchbase Lite package in flutter . I am trying to use replicator to sync data. The data sync is working in Android properly but it's not working in IOS. I am getting Replicator Error: Permanent Redirect.

Project Configuration

flutter sdk version: 1.22.5

couchbase_lite: ^2.7.1


 final syncGatewayUser = await SharedPreferencesHelper.getSyncGatewayUser();
  if (syncGatewayUser != null && syncGatewayUser.password != null) {
    var decryptedPassword = await decryptString(syncGatewayUser.password, _syncSecret);

    ReplicatorConfiguration config =
    config.replicatorType = ReplicatorType.pushAndPull;
    config.continuous = true;
    config.authenticator = BasicAuthenticator(, decryptedPassword);
    _replicator = Replicator(config);

    var token = _replicator.addChangeListener((ReplicatorChange event) {
      if (event.status.error != null) {
        print("Replicator Error: " + event.status.error);

          .where((event) => event == ReplicatorActivityLevel.idle)
          .zipWith(_replicatorToStream.debounceTime(Duration(milliseconds: 400)), (t, s) => s)
          .listen((event) {
        if (event == ReplicatorActivityLevel.idle) replicatorListener.add(ReplicatorActivityLevel.idle);

    // todo - enable replication later
    await _replicator.start();