SaifurRahmanMohsin / txt-plugin

Txt Generator for OctoberCMS

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Unable to find configuration file - October Build #334

rajakhoury opened this issue · comments

The plugin ( v 1.0.7) throws an error with the latest October CMS build 334

Robots -> New Robot -> Error
Unable to find configuration file @/plugins/mohsin/txt/models/directive/fields.yaml defined for Owl\FormWidgets\HasMany\Widget.
D:\xampp\htdocs\site\modules\system\traits\ConfigMaker.php line 63

Thanks for reporting this. Will check

The issue is within Owl\HasMany - the Owl\HasMany\Widget.php prepends the createConfig parameter with the '@', but the proper syntax is now a '~'.

Making this edit fixes the error for me, however clicking on the '+Add _____' links doesn't seem to do anything.

Turns out my .htaccess file was blocking access to the vendors directory, so the js files were getting 404'd. So now it works fine.


I too am getting the same error/issue as @rajakhoury and my vendors directory isn't blocked in my htaccess file. Suggestions?

I’ve requested the author of the original dependency to update the repo. But for now a temporary fix would be to change

$relationship = $this->makeConfig("@/plugins/$parts[0]/$parts[1]/models/$parts[3]/fields.yaml");


$relationship = $this->makeConfig(plugins_path()."/$parts[0]/$parts[1]/models/$parts[3]/fields.yaml");

In the plugins/mohsin/rating/vendor/owl/hasmany/Widget.php file.

I’m closing this issue now as this fix should solve it. Do report if the issue or any other issue exists after making the fix, I will reopen and see what’s wrong then.

I'd just say that until this is fixed in the parent repo (which has been inactive for some time), making the solution harder to find might not be ideal.

The alternative is that I include the hasmany widget as part of this plugin.

This widget is not working with October CMS 446 build.
