SaiUpadhyayula / spring-boot-microservices

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Dockerfile.layered throwing error while building docker image

pranaylonkar19 opened this issue · comments

I am getting the following error when I try to build a docker image using the Dockerfile.layered

 => ERROR [builder 4/4] RUN java -Djarmode=layertools -jar app.jar extract                                                                                    0.3s 
   2 |     WORKDIR extracted
   3 |     ADD build/libs/*.jar app.jar
   4 | >>> RUN java -Djarmode=layertools -jar app.jar extract
   5 |
   6 |     FROM eclipse-temurin:
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c java -Djarmode=layertools -jar app.jar extract" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

Someone has already asked this question on Stackoverflow

OS: Windows11
Docker: Docker Desktop 4.25.0 (126437)

I am getting the following error when I try to build a docker image using the Dockerfile.layered

 => ERROR [builder 4/4] RUN java -Djarmode=layertools -jar app.jar extract                                                                                    0.3s 
   2 |     WORKDIR extracted
   3 |     ADD build/libs/*.jar app.jar
   4 | >>> RUN java -Djarmode=layertools -jar app.jar extract
   5 |
   6 |     FROM eclipse-temurin:
ERROR: failed to solve: process "/bin/sh -c java -Djarmode=layertools -jar app.jar extract" did not complete successfully: exit code: 1

Someone has already asked this question on Stackoverflow

OS: Windows11 Docker: Docker Desktop 4.25.0 (126437)

Hi, I have also been following that tutorial (thanks a looot to brother Sai Upadhyayula), and also faced this issue too))

This error raised because docker cannot find MANIFEST.MF file in tha jar. You can check it by typing:
java -Djarmode=layertools -jar target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar list

If you haven't fixed the issue yet, follow these steps:

  1. Add this plugin:
  1. In terminal, type:
    mvn clean package
    Note: You should have maven installed locally

  2. Try viewing the contents of the newly generated jar file:
    java -Djarmode=layertools -jar target/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar list
    Yous should see the following output:

  3. Now, you can build the image by typing:
    docker build -t api-gateway-layered -f Dockerfile.layered .

Your solution is working. Thank you...

I didn't find much size difference between a normal docker image and a layered docker image.

@UlugbekToshmatov Your solution is working. Thank you...

I didn't find much size difference between a normal docker image and a layered docker image.

@pranaylonkar19 Glad my solution helped you)) You can browse baeldung and for more info.