STIXProject / stix-to-html

Convert STIX XML to HTML

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

deemphasize less important information; highlight key data

mattcoarr opened this issue · comments

Don't overly emphasize unimportant information (labels, conditions, hierarchy in the stix/cybox document).

For starters:

  • change coloring of constraints (condition, etc) from red to gray
  • highlight constraints in windows registry key the same as in cybox properties
  • remove the border and label around cybox properties and let data stand alone

constraints are now displayed as dark gray: f0afef9

constraints in windows registry objects are now displayed using the same css styles as in cybox properties: e0a47b9

update title and package intent in the stix header


make the headers non-bold and the important data elements bold.

this is mainly targeted at:
 * cybox properties (and anything styled similarly)
 * windows registry
 * http request response