SSA111 / SSASideMenu

A Swift implementation of RESideMenu

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Shadow Issue

Mehul18292 opened this issue · comments

Everything apart from shadow is working perfectly fine in my case. I have tried lot different values for having proper shadow, but it is not appearing below my contentView when side menu is open.

Here is code, by using which i am trying to set the shadow. If i am wrong at some point, then point me out please.

            let sideMenu = SSASideMenu(contentViewController: dashboardNavController, leftMenuViewController: leftMenuVC)
            sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.MenuViewEffect(fade: true, scale: true, scaleBackground: false))
            sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.ContentViewEffect(alpha: 1.0, scale: 0.7))
            sideMenu.configure(SSASideMenu.ContentViewShadow(enabled: true, color:,offset: CGSize(width: -15.0, height: 20.0), opacity: 0.5, radius: 20.0))
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(sideMenu, animated: false);

please help me out.