SKLn-Rad / Xam.Plugin.Webview

Xamarin Plugin for a HybridWebView in PCL projects.

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Not loading StringData

IeuanWalker opened this issue · comments

Warning - This is rather strange.

We have been using this plugin for a few months now without an issue. Suddenly the page isn't getting loaded, even on an APK's that was generated months ago.

Plus its working on selected Android device.

<StackLayout Grid.Row="1"
    <abstractions:FormsWebView x:Name="WebView"
                               Source="{Binding IshareWebViewSource}" />

Then in tha page init i have this -

 WebView.AddLocalCallback("invokeCSharp", _viewModel.IshareInvokeCSharp);

Then in the viewmodel i have this -

public void IshareInvokeCSharp(string obj)
    string[] eastNorth = obj.Split(',');

    UserSelectedNorthing = double.Parse(eastNorth[0]);
    UserSelectedEasting = double.Parse(eastNorth[1]);

And here is the HTML string that I bind to the WebView -

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns='' xml:lang='en' style='height:100%'>

    <title>iShare - Lite</title>
    <meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0'>
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' integrity='sha384-wvfXpqpZZVQGK6TAh5PVlGOfQNHSoD2xbE+QkPxCAFlNEevoEH3Sl0sibVcOQVnN'
        crossorigin='anonymous' />

<body style='font-size: 75.0%; Height: 100%; Margin: 0 auto'>
    <div id='atMap' style='height: 100%; Width: 100%'>
        <div id='atInitialLoader' style='border:1px solid #CCC;padding:5px;margin:125px auto auto;text-align:center;width:75px;font-family:Helvetica;'>Loading it...</div>
    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
    <script type='text/JavaScript' src=''></script>
    <script type='text/JavaScript' src=''></script>
        function remove_map_listener() {
            // Remove keylisteners                                  
   (ctrl) {
                if (ctrl.displayClass === 'olControlKeyboardDefaults') {

            // Get latitude longitude
            var clickCtrl = new OpenLayers.Control.Click({ 'double': false, pixelTolerance: 1 }, {
                click: function (evt) {
                    var clickPixel = evt.xy;
                    var clickLonLat =;

                    clickLonLatstring = clickLonLat.toString().split(',');
                    var easting = clickLonLatstring[0].replace('lon=', '');
                    var northing = clickLonLatstring[1].replace('lat=', '');
                    // send nothing to c#
                    invokeCSharp(northing + ',' + easting);
        function invokeCSharp(eastNorth) {
    <script type='text/javascript'>
        Event.observe(window, 'load', function () {
            Astun.JS.IncludeJS('lite', function () {
                $('atMap').map = new Astun.JS.Map('atMap', {
                    layers: 'cardiffcounty',
                    view: { easting: 318162, northing: 176573, zoom: 3000 },
                    mapsource: 'Cardiff_Live/AllMaps'
                jQuery('#atMap').bind('dataLayersLoaded', function ($evt, mapSource, type) {
                    // The map should now be loaded...                                                                       


I can confirm the same problem. Oddly, I'm only seeing it on my device. The emulator loads an HTML string just fine.

** It can be reproduced using this project's sample project code which loads a simple html string. **

This is the sample I'm referring to:

To reproduce:

  1. Build the android sample project and run on a device
  2. Click on the string sample

The web view will crash and not load the html.

The relevant code is here:

which calls the android webview's LoadDataWithBaseURL method. It looks like the method is getting the right parameters. Can anyone else confirm the problem or have suggestions?

A lot of discussion of LoadDataWithBaseUrl here:

Apparently the behavior of the function isn't very well understood. This statement starts a very long thread which is hard to follow:

The documentation for loadDataWithBaseUrl isn't very specific about what the exact effects of changing the base url and history url actually are.

I thought maybe the problem is that the right base url isn't being passed in to facilitate loading a string.

In the test project that is part of this project, in LoadFromString() I've tried the following:

Control.LoadDataWithBaseURL("", MimeType, EncodingType, HistoryUri); // <-- Empty string
Control.LoadDataWithBaseURL("file:///android_asset", Element.Source, MimeType, EncodingType, HistoryUri); // <-- What the method is currently defaulting to
Control.LoadDataWithBaseURL(null, Element.Source, MimeType, EncodingType, HistoryUri); // <-- What the android docs suggest defaults to "about:blank" -- but unclear what the consequences of that would be

It would seem like:

Control.LoadData(Element.Source, MimeType, EncodingType);

could also be a candidate. Tried it and it has the same problem.

Basically all these attempts at loading a simple html string are hanging up the webview on android 7.1 on an actual device.

I have the same problem, and it seems that it start to occurs when Chrome was updated from 64.0.3282.137 to 66.0.3359.158, but I haven't found any fixes yet, it's a very big pb for my project...

@Nico04 the only way I managed to get around it is by creating an HTML page and using the JS calls to make changes after its loaded

@IeuanWalker What do you mean by "creating a HTML" ?
In my project, I have an embedded html that I load with LoadDataWithBaseURL.
Thank you for your quick answer anyway :)

I've spent my day on this matter as this component is very important in my project, and I found a fix.
I've forked the project so everyone can see my solution, and hopefully @SKLn-Rad will include my fix in the next release.

@Nico04 Great, I meant create a HTML file rather than have a HTML string. After this situation, I don't trust using HTML strings

Closed no longer an issue