SKLn-Rad / Xam.Plugin.Webview

Xamarin Plugin for a HybridWebView in PCL projects.

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OnNavigationCompleted in release mode

rogercorrea opened this issue · comments


In my app (Xamarin Forms) when I run app in Release mode, he doens't work OnNavigationCompleted event. In debug mode is normal, no problems.

I tried to clean solution and don't worked for me.

What I can try? It problem occurr in Windows, Android and iOS project.

I still have this problem.

Complementing, the OnNavigationCompleted don't loaded because the souce url is not loading.
I don't understand why it occurr only in iOS. In Windows and Android, the app work normally.

I did change my view to use WKWebView in iOS and he is working now.
I don't understand why Xam.Plugin.Webview stopped work but to Android and UWP still is fine.