Manual scrobbling for when a service (or you!) failed to scrobble.

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Randomly Dropped Scrobbles when Listening to Music in iTunes

wyvernxk7 opened this issue · comments

Hi folks,

For better and worse, iTunes is my media player on my computer, so when I'm using my computer for music, that's what I've got. Anyway, I love the Scrubbler app, but in the past several months, I've noticed that if I look back at Last.FM after a span of time, several scrobbles are missing, which then means I'm manually file-scrobbling them with the app so they are properly logged, which is very time consuming.

For example, I just listened to an 18 song album front to back and had to manually go back and scrobble tracks 2, 4, 7, 10, 13, 14, and 17. I've even used the file scrobbler feature in the past, submitted the tracks, only to have some of them not make it to my account on Last. I... don't know why any of this would be, and I haven't gotten any error messages from Last, the Scrubbler, or iTunes. I've tried reinstalling iTunes and the Scrubbler to no avail. I was hoping the recent update would have fixed it, but no luck. My friend uses this Scrubbler all the time and said he's never had this issue. Am I alone in this? It's kind of driving me nuts and suppressing my listening habits.

Thanks for any help y'all may be able to offer.

Oh, for reference:

Windows 11 Pro, Version 23H2.
iTunes Version
Scrubbler Version, although I first noticed the issue with 1.28.

Could you check the logfile thats written in the Scrubbler directory?
Does it say anything about any errors in there?
Or does it say that the tracks that you have to manually rescrobble went through fine?

Hmm honestly I dont know and I also can't reproduce it.
Do you use the Windows Store iTunes version or the standalone version?
Could you try reinstalling iTunes and the Scrubbler?

Hi again.

I use the Windows Store version. I've uninstalled and redownloaded that and am playing some songs this afternoon to see how that goes. Will report back, probably tomorrow.

Also, in terms of installing the Scrubbler, I think I just put all the files in the music folder in the past - is there actually an installer or a recommended place for that to be housed?

Sorry for the late reply - yeah there is no "installer" its just a folder, but there are still some temp files that get created that would get cleaned by removing the folder and redownloading the Scrubbler.
I did some more long-term testing with the iTunes Scrubbler and I unfortunately cannot reproduce this.
Could you try a different PC / internet connection?

Great to hear!