Manual scrobbling for when a service (or you!) failed to scrobble.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add UTF-8 BOM to exported CSV

rzumer opened this issue · comments

This is just a suggestion to add the byte-order mark to the CSV output, because when reading it in something like Excel that does not default to UTF-8, or when trying to parse it back in the File Parse Scrobbler tab, the wrong character encoding or byte order is assumed and non-ASCII characters are not parsed properly, generating errors in some cases.

After adding a BOM to the CSV output through Notepad++, everything was parsed normally and the list of tracks looks good, so I think that should be added by default (or alternatively use a different default encoding for file parsing if there isn't enough universal support for UTF-8 with BOM).

Fixed in 1.30