Manual scrobbling for when a service (or you!) failed to scrobble.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Think Spotify just came out with a new code that the scrubbler cant read.

BoilingDust opened this issue · comments


Idk if you can open that but its a document of showing how the new code for each played track works. The scrubbler version we have can't understand it.

The current scrubbler version can already read this when you configure the JSON parser correctly

The current scrubbler version can already read this when you configure the JSON parser correctly

how does it work then? when i try to, it shows 0 were scrobbled, and there where 14562 errors

How do your json parser settings look like?

Screenshot (133)

This? i just have defaults

well yea that will not work because the properties are named differently in your json file

so do i have to go one by one?

Im not going through like 30k scrobbles one by one

No just match your settings with the properties of your json

oh so you mean putting the read me file parts?
"master_metadata_track_name": ",

yup, just make sure you dont put any property name twice

allright ill try it thanks

so it seems to work fine but i got another problem haha, not with the scrubbler, but the file spotify gave me, it seems like the dates set are not in order going from 2020-08 to 2019-04 back up to 2020-06. I just dont want to rescrobble what i have. with the other format spotify gave out it was simple and all in order so i could just highlight all the plays from after i started lastfm and just delete. any way you know of how to do it with this new type of file?

Never mind, if you just put ts in the time played section it adds date data when parsing, which allows you to filter by date to make sure no overlapping happens on my lastfm timeline.
All problems fixed, thanks Shoegaze