SFDO-Tooling / CumulusCI

Python framework for building portable automation for Salesforce projects

Home Page:http://cumulusci.readthedocs.io

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sdfx command not found

lucascummins opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

The latest version of the Salesforce CLI does not come with sfdx commands. Any tasks using class_path: cumulusci.tasks.sfdx.SFDXOrgTask will fail since the sfdx commands don't exist

Reproduction steps

  1. Install Salesforce CLI (npm install sfdx-cli --global). Make sure you've uninstalled prior versions of CLI
  2. Create CCI task using class_path: cumulusci.tasks.sfdx.SFDXOrgTask
  3. Run cci task
  4. Receive error missing sfdx
    n. ...

Your CumulusCI and Python versions

CumulusCI version: 3.80.0 (/Users/lcummins/.local/bin/cci)
Python version: 3.10.2 (/Users/lcummins/.local/pipx/venvs/cumulusci/bin/python)

You have the latest version of CumulusCI ⛅

See the latest CumulusCI Release Notes: https://github.com/SFDO-Tooling/CumulusCI/releases/tag/v3.80.0

Operating System

Mac Version 13.4.1

Windows environment

No response

CumulusCI installation method


Error Gist

No response

Additional information

No response

sfdx-cli is deprecated, and no updates are planned. Use @salesforce/cli instead. See https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_setup.meta/sfdx_setup/sfdx_setup_move_to_sf_v2.htm