SAP / macOS-enterprise-privileges

For Mac users in enterprise environments, this application gives users control over the administration of their machine by elevating their level of access to administrator privileges on macOS. Users can set a timeframe in the application's settings to perform specific tasks, such as installing or removing an application.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

App getting stuck

Bretterteig opened this issue · comments

Hey everyone. I am experiencing the same issues as #39.

I build the package via autopkg and deploy via munki from rtrouton recipes.

It seems it gets stuck after the reason interface. Could this be due to the reasons preset list change?

1.5.2 (Same recipe. Same deployment) works flawless.

The LD is loaded and the privileged helper is in place. There are 0 logs written for

I didn't write the .munki recipe and don't use Munki myself, so I'm not sure what to tell you in this case. What I would recommend is verifying that the actual installer package works, using the steps below:

  1. Uninstall Privileges using the uninstallation instructions.
  2. Reboot
  3. Build a Privileges installer package using the AutoPkg tool. Instructions on how to do this are linked below:

  1. Install Privileges on a test Mac using the AutoPkg-built installer package.
  2. See if the problem persists.

Since I don't have the knowledge of how to fix the .munki recipe for AutoPkg, I've now disabled it. A deprecation warning has been added to explain the situation:

This recipe is now non-functional. Please remove it from your list of recipes. The com.github.rtrouton.munki.privileges recipe appears to have problems as of Privileges 1.5.3. I do not use Munki and I do not have the knowledge necessary to figure out why this is happening, so I am deprecating this recipe and adding a StopProcessingIf step to prevent it from running. Hopefully someone with more expertise in this area is able to write a .munki recipe for Privileges which works correctly.

After some digging I might have found the culprit.
Gatekeeper seems to be blocking the execution of the privileged helper.

Edit: It was not introduced with 1.5.3. Had these issues with 1.5.2 as well.