SAIC-iSmart-API / saic-python-mqtt-gateway

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How do I set up the SAIC/MQTT gateway correctly? - OpenWB Software 2 + Synology Docker Container

klefreak opened this issue · comments

I allready used the Saic-Gateway for over a year with OpenWB Software 1.9 + Synology Docker.
it worked good using the old OPENWB_LP_MAP Command

Since update on Software 2 on my open WB it does not work any more.

I Created the needed charging Station.json -->

"chargeStateTopic": "openWB/lp/1/boolChargeStat", "chargingValue": "1", "socTopic": "openWB/set/vehicle/6/get/soc", "chargerConnectedTopic": "openWB/lp/1/boolPlugStat", "chargerConnectedValue": "1", "vin": "LSJEXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

I'm unsure at "charge state topic", "ChargingValue", "chargerConnectedTopic" because none of these Vales are "suggested in OpenWB Software..
the only Thing i can find is "socTopic" that is adaptet to the needed "6" vehicle...

how can i find out if or how to set the other parameters..

second thing:
i'm not shure if my car is read out correctly by the Gateway ... see Log posted here:

thanks for clarification :)

ps: im a noob in using these things - sorry

What version of the MQTT gateway are you running?
it looks like the car is not communicating properly with the MQTT gateway, here's what i would do:

  • Stop the current gateway
  • "Wake the car up" by moving a couple of meters
  • Re-start the gateway

After you do that feel free to post the log file so we can analyze if it is working properly or not.

Thx for Help..

MQTT gateway is from :Latest -->were can i find actual version number?

moved Car
%SOC Status via App works properly... 2.0.2
restarted Container in "Debug"

looks like connection to SAIC failed ???

There is actually a sample file for openWB in the repository. Have a look at charging-stations.json.sample.

Your file should look like this:

        "chargeStateTopic": "openWB/lp/1/boolChargeStat",
        "chargingValue": "1",
        "socTopic": "openWB/set/lp/1/%Soc",
        "chargerConnectedTopic": "openWB/lp/1/boolPlugStat",
        "chargerConnectedValue": "1",
        "vin": "vin1"

Seems like the MQTT topic structure has changed in openWB software version 2.0.
I have found a discussion in German about this topic

Seems like openWB/lp/ became openWB/chargepoint
I don't know about the rest of the topic since it is not visible on the screenshot in the thread. But as they are suggesting in the forum, you could use MQTT Explorer to find it out.


thanks for the hint..

tried to find the topics...
looks like this as far as i can interpret with my little knowledge

"chargeStateTopic": "openWB/internal_chargepoint/0/get/charge_state",
"chargingValue": "true",
"socTopic": "openWB/set/vehicle/6/get/soc",
"chargerConnectedTopic": "openWB/internal_chargepoint/0/get/plug_state",
"chargerConnectedValue": "true",
"vin": "LSJExxxxxxxxxxx"

maybe someone can confirm or "repair" if my findings are broken

Hi @klefreak,

I have updated my openWB charging station to version 2.0 on the weekend.
There is a default car with ID 0 that cannot be modified. Therefore, I have created an additional car that has received the ID 2. This explains why there is the 2 in my MQTT topics:

        "chargeStateTopic": "openWB/chargepoint/2/get/charge_state",
        "chargingValue": "true",
        "socTopic": "openWB/set/vehicle/2/get/soc",
        "rangeTopic": "openWB/set/vehicle/2/get/range"
        "chargerConnectedTopic": "openWB/chargepoint/2/get/plug_state",
        "chargerConnectedValue": "true",
        "vin": "vin1"

Providing the SoC to the openWB is working.
I am still testing if the charging is recognized by the gateway.

i'm testing this Charging Station File:
"chargeStateTopic": "openWB/chargepoint/4/get/charge_state", "chargingValue": "true", "socTopic": "openWB/set/vehicle/6/get/soc", "rangeTopic": "openWB/set/vehicle/6/get/range" "chargerConnectedTopic": "openWB/chargepoint/4/get/plug_state", "chargerConnectedValue": "true", "vin": "VIN1"
My Charging Point got ID4 and My Car got ID6 in the Box...

Gateway writes This: (but no SOC UPdate in the Box - What is wrong??


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2024/02/22 21:01:03stdout2024-02-22 20:01:03,762 [  INFO  ] Job "Check for new messages (trigger: interval[0:01:00], next run at: 2024-02-22 20:02:03 UTC)" executed successfully - apscheduler.executors.default
2024/02/22 21:01:03stdout2024-02-22 20:01:03,761 [  INFO  ] MessageResp(alarmNumber=0, commandNumber=0, messages=[], newsNumber=0, recordsNumber=None, totalNumber=0) unread messages - __main__
2024/02/22 21:01:03stdout2024-02-22 20:01:03,571 [  INFO  ] Running job "Check for new messages (trigger: interval[0:01:00], next run at: 2024-02-22 20:02:03 UTC)" (scheduled at 2024-02-22 20:01:03.570039+00:00) - apscheduler.executors.default
2024/02/22 21:00:45stdout2024-02-22 20:00:45,084 [  INFO  ] Refreshing ABRP status succeeded... - __main__
2024/02/22 21:00:45stdout2024-02-22 20:00:45,084 [  INFO  ] Refreshing vehicle status succeeded... - __main__
2024/02/22 21:00:45stdout2024-02-22 20:00:45,037 [  INFO  ] Updating scheduled battery heating status - __main__
2024/02/22 21:00:45stdout2024-02-22 20:00:45,036 [  INFO  ] Setting charging query interval in vehicle handler for VIN  to 0:00:00 - vehicle
2024/02/22 21:00:41stdout2024-02-22 20:00:41,358 [  INFO  ] Updating charging status - __main__
2024/02/22 21:00:30stdout2024-02-22 20:00:30,954 [  INFO  ] Updating vehicle status - __main__
2024/02/22 21:00:03stdout2024-02-22 20:00:03,753 [  INFO  ] Job "Check for new messages (trigger: interval[0:01:00], next run at: 2024-02-22 20:01:03 UTC)" executed successfully - apscheduler.executors.default
2024/02/22 21:00:03stdout2024-02-22 20:00:03,753 [  INFO  ] MessageResp(alarmNumber=0, commandNumber=0, messages=[], newsNumber=0, recordsNumber=None, totalNumber=0) unread messages - __main__
2024/02/22 21:00:03stdout2024-02-22 20:00:03,571 [  INFO  ] Running job "Check for new messages (trigger: interval[0:01:00], next run at: 2024-02-22 20:01:03 UTC)" (scheduled at 2024-02-22 20:00:03.570039+00:00) - apscheduler.executors.default
2024/02/22 20:59:03stdout2024-02-22 19:59:03,785 [  INFO  ] Job "Check for new messages (trigger: interval[0:01:00], next run at: 2024-02-22 20:00:03 UTC)" executed successfully - apscheduler.executors.default
2024/02/22 20:59:03stdout2024-02-22 19:59:03,785 [  INFO  ] MessageResp(alarmNumber=0, commandNumber=0, messages=[], newsNumber=0, recordsNumber=None, totalNumber=0) unread messages - __main__
2024/02/22 20:59:03stdout2024-02-22 19:59:03,572 [  INFO  ] Running job "Check for new messages (trigger: interval[0:01:00], next run at: 2024-02-22 20:00:03 UTC)" (scheduled at 2024-02-22 19:59:03.570039+00:00) - apscheduler.executors.default
2024/02/22 20:58:30stdout2024-02-22 19:58:30,806 [  INFO  ] Refreshing ABRP status succeeded... - __main__
2024/02/22 20:58:30stdout2024-02-22 19:58:30,806 [  INFO  ] Refreshing vehicle status succeeded... - __main__
2024/02/22 20:58:30stdout2024-02-22 19:58:30,757 [  INFO  ] Updating scheduled battery heating status - __main__
2024/02/22 20:58:30stdout2024-02-22 19:58:30,757 [  INFO  ] Setting charging query interval in vehicle handler for VIN  to 0:00:00 - vehicle
2024/02/22 20:58:27stdout2024-02-22 19:58:27,084 [  INFO  ] Updating charging status - __main__
2024/02/22 20:58:13stdout2024-02-22 19:58:13,585 [  INFO  ] Updating vehicle status - __main__
2024/02/22 20:58:13stdout2024-02-22 19:58:13,585 [  INFO  ] Setting refresh mode to periodic - vehicle
2024/02/22 20:58:13stdout2024-02-22 19:58:13,585 [  INFO  ] Setting charging query interval in vehicle handler for VIN xxxxxxx to 0:00:00 - vehicle
2024/02/22 20:58:13stdout2024-02-22 19:58:13,585 [  INFO  ] Setting inactive query interval in vehicle handler for VIN xxxxxxx to 1 day, 0:00:00 - vehicle
2024/02/22 20:58:13stdout2024-02-22 19:58:13,585 [  INFO  ] Setting after shutdown query interval in vehicle handler for VIN xxxxxxx to 0:02:00 - vehicle
2024/02/22 20:58:13stdout2024-02-22 19:58:13,585 [  INFO  ] Setting charging query interval in vehicle handler for VIN xxxxxxx to 0:00:00 - vehicle
2024/02/22 20:58:13stdout2024-02-22 19:58:13,584 [  INFO  ] Setting active query interval in vehicle handler for VIN xxxxxxxxxx to 0:00:30 - vehicle
2024/02/22 20:58:03stdout2024-02-22 19:58:03,570 [  INFO  ] Added job "Check for new messages" to job store "default" - apscheduler.scheduler
2024/02/22 20:58:03stdout2024-02-22 19:58:03,516 [  INFO  ] Registering for ['ALARM_TYPE_VEHICLE_FAULT', 'ALARM_TYPE_GEOFENCE', 'ALARM_TYPE_VEHICLE_START'] messages. vin=xxxxxxxxxxx - __main__
2024/02/22 20:58:03stdout2024-02-22 19:58:03,227 [  INFO  ] Fetching vehicle list - __main__
2024/02/22 20:58:03stdout2024-02-22 19:58:03,227 [  INFO  ] Logged in as 6602599939 - __main__
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,777 [  INFO  ] [SUBACK] 4 (0,) - gmqtt
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,777 [  INFO  ] [SUBACK] 3 (0,) - gmqtt
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,777 [  INFO  ] [SUBACK] 2 (0,) - gmqtt
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,776 [  INFO  ] [SUBACK] 1 (0,) - gmqtt
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,767 [  INFO  ] Logging in to SAIC API - __main__
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,767 [  INFO  ] Scheduler started - apscheduler.scheduler
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,762 [  INFO  ] [SEND SUB] 4 [b'saic/6602599939/vehicles/+/refresh/period/+/set'] - gmqtt.mqtt.package
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,762 [  INFO  ] [SEND SUB] 3 [b'saic/6602599939/vehicles/+/refresh/mode/set'] - gmqtt.mqtt.package
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,762 [  INFO  ] [SEND SUB] 2 [b'saic/6602599939/vehicles/+/+/+/+/set'] - gmqtt.mqtt.package
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,762 [  INFO  ] [SEND SUB] 1 [b'saic/6602599939/vehicles/+/+/+/set'] - gmqtt.mqtt.package
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,762 [  INFO  ] Connected to MQTT broker - mqtt_publisher
2024/02/22 20:58:02stdout2024-02-22 19:58:02,759 [  INFO  ] [CONNECTION MADE] - gmqtt.mqtt.protocol

Hi @klefreak,

go to configuration > vehicles (Konfiguration > Fahrzeuge) in your openWB.
Select the car you want to modify.
Select SoC-Modul: MQTT

The box shows you the SoC and the range MQTT topic.#

Your charge_state topic contains the ID 4
Your SoC topic contains the ID 6

The topics for the same car should have the same ID.


i reseted my OpenWB and tried a "clean" Start..
Configured the chargepoint (got ID2) and a Car (1)

edited the "charging-stations.json

    "chargeStateTopic": "openWB/chargepoint/2/get/charge_state",
    "chargingValue": "true",
    "socTopic": "openWB/set/vehicle/1/get/soc",
    "chargerConnectedTopic": "openWB/chargepoint/2/get/plug_state",
    "chargerConnectedValue": "true",
    "vin": "VIN1"

screenshot from openWB

Screenshot from MQTT Expl.

have to wait if it works as my wife uses the car :D

Hi @klefreak

so in fact my car has the ID 2 and the charge point has the ID 2.
You are using the standard car with ID 1 and the charge point seems to have ID 2 as in my case.

Screenshot from 2024-02-23 16-28-45

I am still not able to detect that the car is charging, but providing the SoC and the range (part of #172) to the openWB works.

Hello @tosate

Thx for your Time
i tried to ad a second car.. got ID2 and copied your File-configuration as now i also use car ID2 and charging id2..
MQTT is set up..
under mqtt Explorer i can read SOC status in SAIC-Tree -->

but it is not written into the car.. i dont know what to do else..
feels like i make som stupid mistakes??

@tosate want to jump in via ANYDESK ??
(i'm in Austria, so german would be possible also phone would be possible :)
if possible.. write a PM?

ps: maybe my Synology-Docker-Gateway isnt configured properly..


Hi @klefreak,

first of all, sorry for the late response.
I think the gateway does not pick up your charging-stations.json file.
By default, the release comes with a file that contains an empty array [], which has no effect.
If you are running it as a docker container, you need to map your custom file into the running container.

There is an example docker-compose.yml file in the repository. It contains the following mapping:

      - ./charging-stations.json:/usr/src/app/charging-stations.json

This maps the charging-stations.json file from the current directory into the container and replaces the file /usr/src/app/charging-stations.json.

I am not familiar with the Synology Container Manager. However, I think that the mapping is done under "Volume-Einstellungen".
What you have configured looks like:

      - /docker/saic/charging-stations.json:/charging-stations.json

This maps your charging-stations.json file into the root directory of the container instead of /usr/src/app/

So long story short: Please try with /usr/src/app/charging-stations.json in your mapping.

I have just noticed that you have also configured the environment variable CHARGING_STATIONS_JSON. This would allow you to use a different file name than the default one: charging-stations.json.

I would recommend to remove this environment variable because it is not needed.

A sample scenario for this would be if you would like to use a custom name for the file. The docker compose file would than look like this:

      - [...]
      - /docker/saic/openWB.json:/usr/src/app/openWB.json

This maps the file into the container and tells the gateway to pick it up.

However, this would complicate things a bit and is not required in your scenario.

You are right !

solved it:

  1. i removed the Environment-Variable
  2. i adopted the File Mapping in Docker Container like you suggested..
  3. i recreated the charging-stations.json because in "my" used version i got errors..
  4. --> start container --> works :)

Thank you for your Help!
i will make a summary for OpenWB-Forum in relating SAIC-Thread... (in a view days...)
greetings Klemens

@klefreak you are welcome