SAGIRI-kawaii / sagiri-bot

基于Graia Ariadne和Mirai的QQ机器人 SAGIRI-BOT

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


SAGIRI-kawaii opened this issue · comments




系统: win10
python环境: Anaconda3 (使用的是Anaconda3自带的python 3.9.12150.1013) 和 poetry


  1. 按这个步骤部署了机器人
  2. 期间多次启动停止bot,都是正常的,mcl和bot都能正常接收到消息并处理
  3. 后面突然发现 我在QQ群里发送消息,mcl上有消息显示,但是bot接收不到消息

1. 重新启动mcl,mcl自动登录成功,然后进入bot主目录,在当前目录打开cmd,执行指令

pip install -r requirements.txt

bot也正常启动,但是bot接收不到我在群里发送的消息 (好友/群消息都不行)

2. 在1的基础上,先ctrl+c等待程序结束,然后关闭两个cmd窗口再重新打开mcl,接着在bot主目录打开cmd执行指令

conda activate env_qqbot
pip install -r requirements.txt

bot也正常启动,但是bot接收不到我在群里发送的消息 (好友/群消息都不行)

3. 在2的基础上,先ctrl+c等待程序结束,然后关闭两个cmd窗口再重新打开mcl,接着在bot主目录打开cmd执行指令

poetry run pip install -r requirements.txt
poetry run python

bot也正常启动,但是bot接收不到我在群里发送的消息 (好友/群消息都不行)

我也试过更换数据库(mysql和sqlite)这两个,重新创建conda虚拟环境后再pip install -r requirements.txt,启动后问题依旧

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var g_session = "";
var g_qq_ws;
let verifyKey = "ServerPaw_Miku_39831";
let bot_qq = "649089368";

// 创建WebSocket 对象
g_qq_ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:23456/message?verifyKey=" + verifyKey + "&qq=" + bot_qq);
g_qq_ws.onerror = function (error) {
	console.log('WS 连接错误!', error)
g_qq_ws.onopen = function () { //连接成功时,触发事件
	console.log("WS 连接已建立...");
	var param = {
		"syncId": parseInt(Math.random()*10000)+1,  // 消息同步的字段
		"command": "sendGroupMessage",  // 命令字
		"subCommand": null,             // 子命令字, 可空
		"content": {}                   // 命令的数据对象, 与通用接口定义相同
	var msgArray = [
		{ "type":"Plain", "text": "Hello" + "\n" },
		{ "type":"Plain", "text": "World" + "\n" }
	param.content = {
	  "sessionKey": g_session,
	  "target": 0,
	  "messageChain": msgArray
	}; = "488083381";
	g_qq_ws.send(JSON.stringify(param)); // 使用 send() 方法发送数据
	console.log("WS 数据发送中... " + JSON.stringify(param));
g_qq_ws.onmessage = function (event) { //接收到服务端响应的数据时,触发事件
	var data = JSON.parse(;
	console.log("WS 收到数据..." + JSON.stringify(data));
	if(data.code == 0 || data.code == undefined){
		if(g_session == ""){
			g_session =;
			console.log("session: " + g_session);
g_qq_ws.onclose = function () { // 断开 web socket 连接成功触发事件
	console.log("WS 连接已关闭!");


15:20:07 启动了bot
15:20:31 mcl收到了我手动发送的消息


)E`Y~@}9%WD_1B19 F07PBI
我发现之前我手动用js代码建立ws发送后,发送了群消息,也接收到了对应的群消息发送成功了(状态/返回值),但是接收不到正常的消息 (就是我在qq上手动在qq群里发送了消息,mcl可以接收到消息,bot接收不到,js代码也接收不到)






- 系统: win10
- mirai 版本: 2.12.1, built on 2022-07-31 17:49:27
- mirai-api-http 版本: net.mamoe.mirai-api-http v2.6.2
- Python 版本: Anaconda3自带的python 3.9.12150.1013
- 源码版本: v3.3.0 (9月14日 git clone)
- 其他 Graia 库版本:
- 其他 有关 库版本: MCL Addon v2.0.2

  "module_packages": [
  "mirai_repo": "",
  "maven_repo": [
  "packages": {
    "net.mamoe:mirai-console": {
      "channel": "stable",
      "version": "2.12.1",
      "type": "libs",
      "versionLocked": false
    "net.mamoe:mirai-console-terminal": {
      "channel": "stable",
      "version": "2.12.1",
      "type": "libs",
      "versionLocked": false
    "net.mamoe:mirai-core-all": {
      "channel": "stable",
      "version": "2.12.1",
      "type": "libs",
      "versionLocked": false
    "org.itxtech:mcl-addon": {
      "channel": "c2001",
      "version": "2.0.2",
      "type": "plugins",
      "versionLocked": false
    "net.mamoe:mirai-api-http": {
      "channel": "stable-v2",
      "version": "2.6.2",
      "type": "plugins",
      "versionLocked": false
  "archiveSuffix": [
  "disabled_modules": [],
  "proxy": "",
  "log_level": 1,
  "modules_props": {}




�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:38 I/main: Starting mirai-console...�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:38 I/main: Backend: version 2.12.1, built on 2022-07-31 17:49:27.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:38 I/main: Frontend Terminal: version 2.12.1, provided by Mamoe Technologies�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:38 I/main: Welcome to visit�[0m�[m
�[91m2022-09-18 14:55:38 W/stderr: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
�[91m2022-09-18 14:55:38 W/stderr: SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
�[91m2022-09-18 14:55:38 W/stderr: SLF4J: See for further details.
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:38 I/plugin: Successfully loaded plugin net.mamoe.mirai-api-http v2.6.2�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:38 I/plugin: Successfully loaded plugin MCL Addon v2.0.2�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:38 I/main: Prepared built-in commands: autoLogin, help, login, logout, permission, status, stop�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/Mirai HTTP API: ********************************************************�[0m�[m
�[91m2022-09-18 14:55:39 W/stderr: SLF4J: Failed to load class "org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder".
�[91m2022-09-18 14:55:39 W/stderr: SLF4J: Defaulting to no-operation (NOP) logger implementation
�[91m2022-09-18 14:55:39 W/stderr: SLF4J: See for further details.
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/http adapter: >>> [http adapter] is listening at http://localhost:23456�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/ws adapter: >>> [ws adapter] is listening at ws://localhost:23456�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/Mirai HTTP API: Http api server is running with verifyKey: ServerPaw_Miku_39831�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/Mirai HTTP API: adaptors: [http,ws]�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/Mirai HTTP API: ********************************************************�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/MCL Addon: iTXTech MCL Version: 2.1.0-71ec418�[0m�[m
�[91m2022-09-18 14:55:39 W/MCL Addon: iTXTech Soyuz 未安装,Soyuz MCL Handler 特性已禁用�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/main: 2 plugin(s) enabled.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/WindowHelperJvm: Mirai 正在使用桌面环境. 如遇到验证码将会弹出对话框. 可添加 JVM 属性 `` 以关闭.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/WindowHelperJvm: Mirai is using desktop. Captcha will be thrown by window popup. You can add `` to JVM properties ( to disable it.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:39 I/main: Auto-login 649089368�[0m�[m
�[91m2022-09-18 14:55:39 W/stderr: ERROR StatusLogger Log4j2 could not find a logging implementation. Please add log4j-core to the classpath. Using SimpleLogger to log to the console...
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:40 I/Bot.649089368: Loaded account secrets from local cache.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:40 I/Bot.649089368: Saved account secrets to local cache for fast login.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:40 I/Bot.649089368: Login successful.�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 14:55:41 V/Bot.649089368: Event: BotOnlineEvent(bot=Bot(649089368))�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:41 I/Bot.649089368: Bot login successful.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:41 I/main: Auto-login 649089368�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:41 I/Bot.649089368: Loaded account secrets from local cache.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:41 I/Bot.649089368: Saved account secrets to local cache for fast login.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:41 I/Bot.649089368: Login successful.�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 14:55:42 V/Bot.649089368: Event: BotOnlineEvent(bot=Bot(649089368))�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:42 I/Bot.649089368: Bot login successful.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:42 I/main: mirai-console started successfully.�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 14:55:47 V/Bot.649089368: Event: BotOfflineEvent.Dropped(bot=Bot(649089368), cause=NettyChannelException(message=null, cause=null), reconnect=true)�[0m�[m
�[91m2022-09-18 14:55:47 W/Bot.649089368: Connection lost, reconnecting... (NettyChannelException(message=null, cause=null))�[0m�[m
�[91m2022-09-18 14:55:47 W/Bot.649089368: Connection lost, reconnecting... (NettyChannelException(message=null, cause=null))�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:47 I/Bot.649089368: Saved account secrets to local cache for fast login.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:47 I/Bot.649089368: Login successful.�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 14:55:47 V/Bot.649089368: Event: BotOnlineEvent(bot=Bot(649089368))�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 14:55:47 V/Bot.649089368: Event: BotReloginEvent(bot=Bot(649089368), cause=null)�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:47 I/Bot.649089368: Reconnected successfully in 0.367s.�[0m�[m
�[92m2022-09-18 14:55:47 I/Bot.649089368: Reconnected successfully in 0.367s.�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:16:09 V/Bot.649089368: [。(488083381)][SYNC] <- Hello\nWorld\n�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:16:11 V/Bot.649089368: Group(488083381) <- Hello\nWorld\n�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:17:16 V/Bot.649089368: [。(488083381)][SYNC] <- Hello\nWorld\n�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:17:19 V/Bot.649089368: Group(488083381) <- Hello\nWorld\n�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:20:31 V/Bot.649089368: [。(488083381)][SYNC] <- Hello\nWorld\n�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:20:34 V/Bot.649089368: Group(488083381) <- Hello\nWorld\n�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:29:53 V/Bot.649089368: [僵尸毁灭工程丧尸围城接待聊天群(463762157)] 老王 (laowang)(30341121) -> XWU  你没上线啊�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:30:52 V/Bot.649089368: [。(488083381)] Miku39(3345561277) -> 111�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:34:14 V/Bot.649089368: [僵尸毁灭工程丧尸围城接待聊天群(463762157)] skadi(329171650) -> [咖啡][斜眼笑]�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:35:20 V/Bot.649089368: [。(488083381)] Miku39(3345561277) -> 发送群消息�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:35:29 V/Bot.649089368: Miku39(3345561277) -> 发送好友消息�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:38:38 V/Bot.649089368: [。(488083381)][SYNC] <- 手动发送消息\nTest\n�[0m�[m
�[0m2022-09-18 15:38:41 V/Bot.649089368: Group(488083381) <- 手动发送消息\nTest\n�[0m�[m


2022-09-18 14:07:25.132 | SUCCESS  | - Successfully got session key
2022-09-18 14:07:29.779 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.bot_management
2022-09-18 14:07:29.788 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.chat_recorder_handler
2022-09-18 14:07:29.802 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.exception_catcher
2022-09-18 14:07:29.814 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.helper
2022-09-18 14:07:29.822 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.message_statistics
2022-09-18 14:07:29.834 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.mirai_event
2022-09-18 14:07:29.837 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.saya_manager
2022-09-18 14:07:29.845 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.system_status
2022-09-18 14:07:29.847 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:141 - 本次启动活动群组如下:
2022-09-18 14:07:29.848 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:143 - 群ID: 488083381     群名: 。
2022-09-18 14:07:30.790 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:143 - 群ID: 891072137     群名: 僵尸毁灭工程丧尸围城问题群
2022-09-18 14:07:30.863 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.genshin_resource_points.query_resource:download_resource_type:230 - 更新原神资源类型成功...
2022-09-18 14:07:30.886 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:143 - 群ID: 463762157     群名: 僵尸毁灭工程丧尸围城接待聊天群
2022-09-18 14:12:36.362 | WARNING  | launart.manager:_on_sys_signal:486 - Ctrl-C triggered by user.
2022-09-18 14:12:36.376 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch:376 - Blocking phase cancelled by user.
2022-09-18 14:12:36.378 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch:379 - Entering cleanup phase.
2022-09-18 14:12:36.381 | INFO     | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:59 - [elizabeth.connection.649089368.websocket_client_connection] completed.
2022-09-18 14:12:36.385 | INFO     | graia.ariadne.service:launch:193 - Elizabeth Service cleaning up...
2022-09-18 14:12:36.396 | INFO     | graia.ariadne.service:launch:216 - Checking for updates...
2022-09-18 14:12:36.689 | INFO     | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:59 - [cache.client/memcache] completed.
2022-09-18 14:12:37.046 | SUCCESS  | graia.ariadne.service:check_update:128 - All dependencies up to date!
2022-09-18 14:12:37.050 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:55 - component elizabeth.service finished.
2022-09-18 14:12:37.054 | INFO     | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:59 - [elizabeth.service] completed.
2022-09-18 14:12:37.069 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch:415 - Layer #1:[elizabeth.service] cleanup completed.
2022-09-18 14:12:37.074 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:55 - component http.client/aiohttp finished.
2022-09-18 14:12:37.084 | INFO     | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:59 - [http.client/aiohttp] completed.
2022-09-18 14:12:37.087 | INFO     | - Websocket connection closed
2022-09-18 14:12:37.090 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch:415 - Layer #3:[cache.client/memcache, http.client/aiohttp] cleanup completed.
2022-09-18 14:12:37.107 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch:421 - Cleanup completed, waiting for finalization.
2022-09-18 14:12:37.110 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch:431 - All launch task finished.
2022-09-18 14:12:37.113 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch_blocking:474 - asyncio shutdown complete.
2022-09-18 14:13:12.675 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.abbreviated_prediction
2022-09-18 14:13:12.690 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.abstract_message_transform
2022-09-18 14:13:12.827 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.aminer
2022-09-18 14:13:12.832 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.apex_stat
2022-09-18 14:13:13.041 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.avatar_fun
2022-09-18 14:13:13.048 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.bangumi_info_searcher
2022-09-18 14:13:13.056 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.bangumi_searcher
2022-09-18 14:13:13.071 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.bilibili_bangumi_scheduler
2022-09-18 14:13:13.085 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.black_white_grass
2022-09-18 14:13:13.241 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished:
2022-09-18 14:13:13.266 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.chat_reply
2022-09-18 14:13:13.276 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.color_card
2022-09-18 14:13:13.285 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.content_moderation
2022-09-18 14:13:13.296 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.cp_generator
2022-09-18 14:13:13.312 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.daily_newspaper
2022-09-18 14:13:13.555 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.dd_check
2022-09-18 14:13:13.560 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.dice
2022-09-18 14:13:13.740 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.emoji_mix
2022-09-18 14:13:13.749 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.encoder_decoder
2022-09-18 14:13:13.758 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.fake_forward
2022-09-18 14:13:13.767 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.flash_image_catcher
2022-09-18 14:13:14.004 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.genshin_chara_card
2022-09-18 14:13:14.011 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.genshin_material_remind
2022-09-18 14:13:14.024 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.genshin_resource_points
2022-09-18 14:13:14.033 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.github_info
2022-09-18 14:13:14.045 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.group_team
2022-09-18 14:13:16.148 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.group_wordcloud_generator
2022-09-18 14:13:16.154 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.hot_words_explainer
2022-09-18 14:13:16.165 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.ill
2022-09-18 14:13:16.170 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.image_adder
2022-09-18 14:13:16.216 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.image_searcher
2022-09-18 14:13:16.229 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.image_sender
2022-09-18 14:13:16.240 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.i_have_a_friend
2022-09-18 14:13:16.247 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.joke
2022-09-18 14:13:16.255 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.keyword_respondent
2022-09-18 14:13:16.445 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.kugimiya_voice
2022-09-18 14:13:16.452 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.leetcode_info
2022-09-18 14:13:16.463 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.lolicon_keyword_searcher
2022-09-18 14:13:16.474 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.marketing_content_generator
2022-09-18 14:13:16.484 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.memes
2022-09-18 14:13:16.489 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.message_merger
2022-09-18 14:13:19.373 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.mockingbird.MockingBirdForUse.mockingbirdforuse.encoder.inference:__init__:19 - Loaded encoder trained to step 1594501
2022-09-18 14:13:19.968 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.mockingbird.MockingBirdForUse.mockingbirdforuse.synthesizer.inference:__init__:23 - Synthesizer using device: cpu
2022-09-18 14:13:20.949 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.mockingbird.MockingBirdForUse.mockingbirdforuse.synthesizer.inference:__init__:45 - Loaded synthesizer "" trained to step 200000
2022-09-18 14:13:20.952 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.mockingbird.MockingBirdForUse.mockingbirdforuse:set_synthesizer:61 - using synthesizer model: D:\Server\sagiri-bot\statics\models\mockingbird\azusa\
2022-09-18 14:13:20.958 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.mockingbird
2022-09-18 14:13:20.968 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.network_compiler
2022-09-18 14:13:20.978 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.nudge
2022-09-18 14:13:20.987 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.pdf_searcher
2022-09-18 14:13:20.993 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.pero_dog
2022-09-18 14:13:21.001 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.phantom_tank
2022-09-18 14:13:21.386 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.pica
2022-09-18 14:13:21.393 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.poisonous_chicken_soup
2022-09-18 14:13:21.411 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.qrcode_generator
2022-09-18 14:13:21.417 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.random_character
2022-09-18 14:13:21.424 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.random_food
2022-09-18 14:13:21.431 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.random_wife
2022-09-18 14:13:21.435 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.repeater
2022-09-18 14:13:21.446 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.speak
2022-09-18 14:13:21.454 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.steam_game_info_searcher
2022-09-18 14:13:21.459 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.style_picture_generator
2022-09-18 14:13:21.466 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.super_resolution
2022-09-18 14:13:21.471 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.tarot
2022-09-18 14:13:21.476 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.trending
2022-09-18 14:13:21.480 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.wolfram_alpha
2022-09-18 14:13:21.729 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.wordle
2022-09-18 14:13:21.737 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.xslist
2022-09-18 14:13:21.744 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch_blocking:446 - Starting launart main task...
2022-09-18 14:13:21.747 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch:313 - Launching 5 components as async task...
2022-09-18 14:13:22.494 | INFO     | graia.ariadne.service:base_telemetry:105 - 
    _         _           _
   / \   _ __(_) __ _  __| |_ __   ___
  / _ \ | '__| |/ _` |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \
 / ___ \| |  | | (_| | (_| | | | |  __/
/_/   \_\_|  |_|\__,_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|

graiax-silkcoder: 0.3.4
graia-amnesia: 0.6.0
graia-ariadne: 0.9.4
graia-broadcast: 0.18.2
graia-saya: 0.0.16
graia-scheduler: 0.0.8
launart: 0.6.1
statv: 0.3.2
2022-09-18 14:13:22.510 | INFO     | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:59 - [elizabeth.connection.649089368.http_client_connection] completed.
2022-09-18 14:13:22.514 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch:351 - Layer #1:[cache.client/memcache, http.client/aiohttp] preparation completed.
2022-09-18 14:13:22.532 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:170 - Start checking configuration
2022-09-18 14:13:22.534 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - bot_qq - 649089368
2022-09-18 14:13:22.536 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:185 - commands:
2022-09-18 14:13:22.540 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:158 -     default:
2022-09-18 14:13:22.541 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         prefix - ['prefix']
2022-09-18 14:13:22.543 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         alias - ['Miku']
2022-09-18 14:13:22.544 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:185 - data_related:
2022-09-18 14:13:22.545 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     lolicon_image_cache - True
2022-09-18 14:13:22.549 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     lolicon_data_cache - True
2022-09-18 14:13:22.551 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     network_data_cache - True
2022-09-18 14:13:22.552 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     automatic_update - False
2022-09-18 14:13:22.554 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     data_retention - True
2022-09-18 14:13:22.556 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - db_link - sqlite+aiosqlite:///data.db
2022-09-18 14:13:22.560 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:185 - functions:
2022-09-18 14:13:22.562 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:158 -     tencent:
2022-09-18 14:13:22.564 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         secret_id - 
2022-09-18 14:13:22.566 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         secret_key - 
2022-09-18 14:13:22.570 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     saucenao_api_key - 
2022-09-18 14:13:22.572 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     wolfram_alpha_key - 
2022-09-18 14:13:22.573 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     shadiao_app_name - QQ
2022-09-18 14:13:22.574 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:158 -     github:
2022-09-18 14:13:22.576 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         username -
2022-09-18 14:13:22.577 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         token - 
2022-09-18 14:13:22.579 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:158 -     pica:
2022-09-18 14:13:22.582 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         username -
2022-09-18 14:13:22.584 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         password - 
2022-09-18 14:13:22.585 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         download_cache - True
2022-09-18 14:13:22.588 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         search_cache - True
2022-09-18 14:13:22.589 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         daily_download_limit - 10
2022-09-18 14:13:22.592 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         daily_search_limit - 10
2022-09-18 14:13:22.594 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         daily_random_limit - 10
2022-09-18 14:13:22.595 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         daily_rank_limit - 10
2022-09-18 14:13:22.596 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         compress_password - hentai
2022-09-18 14:13:22.598 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:158 -     bilibili:
2022-09-18 14:13:22.599 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         cookie - 
2022-09-18 14:13:22.604 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - host_qq - 3345561277
2022-09-18 14:13:22.605 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:185 - image_path:
2022-09-18 14:13:22.607 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     setu - D:\Server\img\setu\
2022-09-18 14:13:22.608 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     setu18 - D:\Server\img\setu18\
2022-09-18 14:13:22.609 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     real - D:\Server\img\real\
2022-09-18 14:13:22.611 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     real_highq - D:\Server\img\real_highq\
2022-09-18 14:13:22.615 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     bizhi - D:\Server\img\bizhi\
2022-09-18 14:13:22.616 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     sketch - D:\Server\img\sketch\
2022-09-18 14:13:22.618 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:185 - log_related:
2022-09-18 14:13:22.619 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     error_retention - 15
2022-09-18 14:13:22.620 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     common_retention - 15
2022-09-18 14:13:22.622 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - mirai_host - http://localhost:23456
2022-09-18 14:13:22.626 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - proxy -
2022-09-18 14:13:22.627 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - verify_key - ServerPaw_Miku_39831
2022-09-18 14:13:22.630 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - web_manager_api - True
2022-09-18 14:13:22.632 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - web_manager_auto_boot - True
2022-09-18 14:13:22.637 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:191 - Configuration check completed
2022-09-18 14:13:22.641 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch:351 - Layer #3:[elizabeth.service] preparation completed.
2022-09-18 14:13:22.643 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch:356 - All components prepared, start blocking phase.
2022-09-18 14:13:22.683 | SUCCESS  | - Successfully got session key
2022-09-18 14:13:26.767 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.bot_management
2022-09-18 14:13:26.775 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.chat_recorder_handler
2022-09-18 14:13:26.795 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.exception_catcher
2022-09-18 14:13:26.810 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.helper
2022-09-18 14:13:26.822 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.message_statistics
2022-09-18 14:13:26.834 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.mirai_event
2022-09-18 14:13:26.840 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.saya_manager
2022-09-18 14:13:26.846 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.system_status
2022-09-18 14:13:26.851 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:141 - 本次启动活动群组如下:
2022-09-18 14:13:26.853 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:143 - 群ID: 488083381     群名: 。
2022-09-18 14:13:27.814 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:143 - 群ID: 891072137     群名: 僵尸毁灭工程丧尸围城问题群
2022-09-18 14:13:27.906 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:143 - 群ID: 463762157     群名: 僵尸毁灭工程丧尸围城接待聊天群
2022-09-18 14:13:28.050 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.genshin_resource_points.query_resource:download_resource_type:230 - 更新原神资源类型成功...
2022-09-18 14:54:27.886 | WARNING  | launart.manager:_on_sys_signal:486 - Ctrl-C triggered by user.
2022-09-18 14:54:27.924 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch:376 - Blocking phase cancelled by user.
2022-09-18 14:54:27.927 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch:379 - Entering cleanup phase.
2022-09-18 14:54:27.929 | INFO     | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:59 - [cache.client/memcache] completed.
2022-09-18 14:54:27.939 | INFO     | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:59 - [elizabeth.connection.649089368.websocket_client_connection] completed.
2022-09-18 14:54:27.942 | INFO     | graia.ariadne.service:launch:193 - Elizabeth Service cleaning up...
2022-09-18 14:54:27.955 | INFO     | graia.ariadne.service:launch:216 - Checking for updates...
2022-09-18 14:54:47.688 | WARNING  | graia.ariadne.service:check_update:41 - Failed to retrieve latest version of graiax-silkcoder: [WinError 121] 信号灯超时时间已到
2022-09-18 14:54:47.694 | WARNING  | graia.ariadne.service:check_update:41 - Failed to retrieve latest version of graia-ariadne: [WinError 121] 信号灯超时时间已到
2022-09-18 14:54:47.700 | SUCCESS  | graia.ariadne.service:check_update:128 - All dependencies up to date!
2022-09-18 14:54:47.712 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:55 - component elizabeth.service finished.
2022-09-18 14:54:47.717 | INFO     | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:59 - [elizabeth.service] completed.
2022-09-18 14:54:47.728 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch:415 - Layer #1:[elizabeth.service] cleanup completed.
2022-09-18 14:54:47.732 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:55 - component http.client/aiohttp finished.
2022-09-18 14:54:47.743 | INFO     | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:59 - [http.client/aiohttp] completed.
2022-09-18 14:54:47.747 | INFO     | - Websocket connection closed
2022-09-18 14:54:47.750 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch:415 - Layer #3:[cache.client/memcache, http.client/aiohttp] cleanup completed.
2022-09-18 14:54:47.765 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch:421 - Cleanup completed, waiting for finalization.
2022-09-18 14:54:47.767 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch:431 - All launch task finished.
2022-09-18 14:54:47.771 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch_blocking:474 - asyncio shutdown complete.
2022-09-18 15:19:52.020 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.abbreviated_prediction
2022-09-18 15:19:52.035 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.abstract_message_transform
2022-09-18 15:19:52.167 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.aminer
2022-09-18 15:19:52.171 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.apex_stat
2022-09-18 15:19:52.343 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.avatar_fun
2022-09-18 15:19:52.350 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.bangumi_info_searcher
2022-09-18 15:19:52.358 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.bangumi_searcher
2022-09-18 15:19:52.367 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.bilibili_bangumi_scheduler
2022-09-18 15:19:52.374 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.black_white_grass
2022-09-18 15:19:52.518 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished:
2022-09-18 15:19:52.542 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.chat_reply
2022-09-18 15:19:52.551 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.color_card
2022-09-18 15:19:52.558 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.content_moderation
2022-09-18 15:19:52.565 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.cp_generator
2022-09-18 15:19:52.583 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.daily_newspaper
2022-09-18 15:19:52.759 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.dd_check
2022-09-18 15:19:52.765 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.dice
2022-09-18 15:19:52.935 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.emoji_mix
2022-09-18 15:19:52.943 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.encoder_decoder
2022-09-18 15:19:52.952 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.fake_forward
2022-09-18 15:19:52.960 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.flash_image_catcher
2022-09-18 15:19:53.224 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.genshin_chara_card
2022-09-18 15:19:53.232 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.genshin_material_remind
2022-09-18 15:19:53.244 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.genshin_resource_points
2022-09-18 15:19:53.254 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.github_info
2022-09-18 15:19:53.268 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.group_team
2022-09-18 15:19:55.240 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.group_wordcloud_generator
2022-09-18 15:19:55.246 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.hot_words_explainer
2022-09-18 15:19:55.257 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.ill
2022-09-18 15:19:55.262 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.image_adder
2022-09-18 15:19:55.310 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.image_searcher
2022-09-18 15:19:55.315 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.image_sender
2022-09-18 15:19:55.323 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.i_have_a_friend
2022-09-18 15:19:55.329 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.joke
2022-09-18 15:19:55.338 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.keyword_respondent
2022-09-18 15:19:55.517 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.kugimiya_voice
2022-09-18 15:19:55.525 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.leetcode_info
2022-09-18 15:19:55.535 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.lolicon_keyword_searcher
2022-09-18 15:19:55.546 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.marketing_content_generator
2022-09-18 15:19:55.557 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.memes
2022-09-18 15:19:55.563 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.message_merger
2022-09-18 15:19:58.129 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.mockingbird.MockingBirdForUse.mockingbirdforuse.encoder.inference:__init__:19 - Loaded encoder trained to step 1594501
2022-09-18 15:19:58.603 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.mockingbird.MockingBirdForUse.mockingbirdforuse.synthesizer.inference:__init__:23 - Synthesizer using device: cpu
2022-09-18 15:19:59.981 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.mockingbird.MockingBirdForUse.mockingbirdforuse.synthesizer.inference:__init__:45 - Loaded synthesizer "" trained to step 200000
2022-09-18 15:19:59.985 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.mockingbird.MockingBirdForUse.mockingbirdforuse:set_synthesizer:61 - using synthesizer model: D:\Server\sagiri-bot\statics\models\mockingbird\azusa\
2022-09-18 15:19:59.990 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.mockingbird
2022-09-18 15:20:00.005 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.network_compiler
2022-09-18 15:20:00.017 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.nudge
2022-09-18 15:20:00.027 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.pdf_searcher
2022-09-18 15:20:00.038 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.pero_dog
2022-09-18 15:20:00.054 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.phantom_tank
2022-09-18 15:20:00.483 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.pica
2022-09-18 15:20:00.490 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.poisonous_chicken_soup
2022-09-18 15:20:00.512 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.qrcode_generator
2022-09-18 15:20:00.519 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.random_character
2022-09-18 15:20:00.527 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.random_food
2022-09-18 15:20:00.537 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.random_wife
2022-09-18 15:20:00.541 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.repeater
2022-09-18 15:20:00.553 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.speak
2022-09-18 15:20:00.560 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.steam_game_info_searcher
2022-09-18 15:20:00.568 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.style_picture_generator
2022-09-18 15:20:00.574 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.super_resolution
2022-09-18 15:20:00.580 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.tarot
2022-09-18 15:20:00.584 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.trending
2022-09-18 15:20:00.591 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.wolfram_alpha
2022-09-18 15:20:00.906 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.wordle
2022-09-18 15:20:00.914 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.xslist
2022-09-18 15:20:00.916 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch_blocking:446 - Starting launart main task...
2022-09-18 15:20:00.923 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch:313 - Launching 5 components as async task...
2022-09-18 15:20:01.159 | INFO     | graia.ariadne.service:base_telemetry:105 - 
    _         _           _
   / \   _ __(_) __ _  __| |_ __   ___
  / _ \ | '__| |/ _` |/ _` | '_ \ / _ \
 / ___ \| |  | | (_| | (_| | | | |  __/
/_/   \_\_|  |_|\__,_|\__,_|_| |_|\___|

graiax-silkcoder: 0.3.4
graia-amnesia: 0.6.0
graia-ariadne: 0.9.4
graia-broadcast: 0.18.2
graia-saya: 0.0.16
graia-scheduler: 0.0.8
launart: 0.6.1
statv: 0.3.2
2022-09-18 15:20:01.177 | INFO     | launart.manager:_launchable_task_done_callback:59 - [elizabeth.connection.649089368.http_client_connection] completed.
2022-09-18 15:20:01.181 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch:351 - Layer #1:[http.client/aiohttp, cache.client/memcache] preparation completed.
2022-09-18 15:20:01.211 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:170 - Start checking configuration
2022-09-18 15:20:01.213 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - bot_qq - 649089368
2022-09-18 15:20:01.215 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:185 - commands:
2022-09-18 15:20:01.218 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:158 -     default:
2022-09-18 15:20:01.221 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         prefix - ['prefix']
2022-09-18 15:20:01.226 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         alias - ['Miku']
2022-09-18 15:20:01.228 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:185 - data_related:
2022-09-18 15:20:01.230 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     lolicon_image_cache - True
2022-09-18 15:20:01.234 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     lolicon_data_cache - True
2022-09-18 15:20:01.236 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     network_data_cache - True
2022-09-18 15:20:01.238 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     automatic_update - False
2022-09-18 15:20:01.239 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     data_retention - True
2022-09-18 15:20:01.241 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - db_link - sqlite+aiosqlite:///data.db
2022-09-18 15:20:01.246 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:185 - functions:
2022-09-18 15:20:01.247 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:158 -     tencent:
2022-09-18 15:20:01.249 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         secret_id - 
2022-09-18 15:20:01.251 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         secret_key - 
2022-09-18 15:20:01.256 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     saucenao_api_key - 
2022-09-18 15:20:01.258 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     wolfram_alpha_key - 
2022-09-18 15:20:01.260 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     shadiao_app_name - QQ
2022-09-18 15:20:01.262 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:158 -     github:
2022-09-18 15:20:01.263 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         username - 
2022-09-18 15:20:01.268 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         token - 
2022-09-18 15:20:01.270 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:158 -     pica:
2022-09-18 15:20:01.271 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         username -
2022-09-18 15:20:01.274 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         password -..
2022-09-18 15:20:01.275 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         download_cache - True
2022-09-18 15:20:01.280 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         search_cache - True
2022-09-18 15:20:01.282 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         daily_download_limit - 10
2022-09-18 15:20:01.283 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         daily_search_limit - 10
2022-09-18 15:20:01.285 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         daily_random_limit - 10
2022-09-18 15:20:01.286 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         daily_rank_limit - 10
2022-09-18 15:20:01.290 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         compress_password - hentai
2022-09-18 15:20:01.292 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:158 -     bilibili:
2022-09-18 15:20:01.293 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -         cookie - 
2022-09-18 15:20:01.296 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - host_qq - 3345561277
2022-09-18 15:20:01.297 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:185 - image_path:
2022-09-18 15:20:01.302 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     setu - D:\Server\img\setu\
2022-09-18 15:20:01.303 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     setu18 - D:\Server\img\setu18\
2022-09-18 15:20:01.305 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     real - D:\Server\img\real\
2022-09-18 15:20:01.306 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     real_highq - D:\Server\img\real_highq\
2022-09-18 15:20:01.309 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     bizhi - D:\Server\img\bizhi\
2022-09-18 15:20:01.314 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     sketch - D:\Server\img\sketch\
2022-09-18 15:20:01.315 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:185 - log_related:
2022-09-18 15:20:01.317 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     error_retention - 15
2022-09-18 15:20:01.318 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:dict_check:165 -     common_retention - 15
2022-09-18 15:20:01.320 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - mirai_host - http://localhost:23456
2022-09-18 15:20:01.324 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - proxy -
2022-09-18 15:20:01.325 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - verify_key - ServerPaw_Miku_39831
2022-09-18 15:20:01.327 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - web_manager_api - True
2022-09-18 15:20:01.329 | SUCCESS  | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:190 - web_manager_auto_boot - True
2022-09-18 15:20:01.330 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:config_check:191 - Configuration check completed
2022-09-18 15:20:01.337 | SUCCESS  | launart.manager:launch:351 - Layer #3:[elizabeth.service] preparation completed.
2022-09-18 15:20:01.339 | INFO     | launart.manager:launch:356 - All components prepared, start blocking phase.
2022-09-18 15:20:01.416 | SUCCESS  | - Successfully got session key
2022-09-18 15:20:05.375 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.bot_management
2022-09-18 15:20:05.384 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.chat_recorder_handler
2022-09-18 15:20:05.400 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.exception_catcher
2022-09-18 15:20:05.410 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.helper
2022-09-18 15:20:05.432 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.message_statistics
2022-09-18 15:20:05.446 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.mirai_event
2022-09-18 15:20:05.453 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.saya_manager
2022-09-18 15:20:05.464 | INFO     | graia.saya:require:134 - module loading finished: sagiri_bot.handler.required_module.system_status
2022-09-18 15:20:05.466 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:141 - 本次启动活动群组如下:
2022-09-18 15:20:05.468 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:143 - 群ID: 488083381     群名: 。
2022-09-18 15:20:05.561 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:143 - 群ID: 891072137     群名: 僵尸毁灭工程丧尸围城问题群
2022-09-18 15:20:05.657 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.core.app_core:bot_launch_init:143 - 群ID: 463762157     群名: 僵尸毁灭工程丧尸围城接待聊天群
2022-09-18 15:20:07.051 | INFO     | sagiri_bot.handler.handlers.genshin_resource_points.query_resource:download_resource_type:230 - 更新原神资源类型成功...