SAFEtoolbox / SAFE-python

Sensitivity Analysis library for python

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

After sampling, input range is different than defined

olipfeifferthkoeln opened this issue · comments

I defined the following inputs and wanted to apply the OAT sampling for EET.

samp_strat = 'lhs'
des_type = 'radial'
distr_fun = [st.randint, st.randint, st.uniform, st.uniform, st.uniform, st.uniform, st.uniform, st.uniform, st.uniform]
distr_par = [[1, 50], [1, 50], [0.15,0.4], [5,15], [0,1.5], [0, 0.2], [0, 0.2], [0,0.02], [0,0.02]]

X = sampling.OAT_sampling(r, M, distr_fun, distr_par, samp_strat, des_type)

When I analyse X, the range of the third and fourth input differ from my definition. Instead of [0.15,0.4], [5,15], X considers them as [0.15,0.55], [5,20].
Do you have an answer why this happens, and a solution of how to fix this bug?
(The same is happening to AAT and FAST sampling...)

Kind regards