Ryzee119 / ogx360

Add modern xinput USB support to your Original Xbox :tv: :video_game:

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florezsebas opened this issue · comments

Can I use components of another manufacturer while this components has the same values like volt, capacitance, resistance?
Sorry for my ignorance about this, but I don't know much about electronics

Yea pretty much.

Most parts are nothing special. The crystal oscillator and the diodes may want extra attention.

The crystal should have matching load capacitance for example.

Hi, i have a question to the USB Controller IC.
The MAX3421EEHJ+T is not in stock and comes back early 2022, can i use the MAX3421EEHJ+ ?
Or is there an other optional IC. This is the only Part on my list that is not in stock :-(

Whats the difference? The T is probably just something to do with packaging. So probably fine

Whats the difference? The T is probably just something to do with packaging. So probably fine

Thanks a lot, finally i can order and build the OGX360 :-)