RyotaBannai / julia

The playground for Julia programming language

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  • Activating project environment in Julia REPL automatically

  • Check function type:

    • @code_warntype f(2): shows input type and types of calculated values including return value, even if you don't annotate type.
    • Base.return_types(f): shows return types for each methods if you annotate them, otherwise it shows Any type
    • @which UnitRange{Int}(3,5): @which macro show where it defined
  • Macro:

  • Generated functions:

    • While macros work with expressions at parse time and cannot access the types of their inputs,a generated function gets expanded at a time when the types of the arguments are known, but the function is not yet compiled.
    • generated functions shouldn't:
      • contains side effects(because they might be cached, thus cashing of native pointers also must be avoided)
      • interact/observe global mutable state(because definition ordered becomes matter, const global state is ok)
  • Tasks (also known by several other names, such as symmetric coroutines, lightweight threads, cooperative multitasking, or one-shot continuations).

  • switching tasks does not use any space, so any number of task switches can occur without consuming the call stack.

  • switching among tasks can occur in any order, unlike function calls, where the called function must finish executing before control returns to the calling function.

  • Conventions:

  • Functions that write to their arguments have names that end in !. These are sometimes called "mutating" or "in-place" functions because they are intended to produce changes in their arguments after the function is called, not just return a value.

  • Syntax Conflicts: Juxtaposed literal coefficient syntax may conflict with some numeric literal syntaxes:

  • In all cases the ambiguity is resolved in favor of interpretation as numeric literals:

  • Expressions starting with 0x/0o/0b are always hexadecimal/octal/binary literals.

  • Expressions starting with a numeric literal followed by e or E are always floating-point literals.

  • Expressions starting with a numeric literal followed by f are always 32-bit floating-point literals.

  • Vectorized "dot" operators:

    • dot calls: 2 .* A.^2 .+ sin.(A) (or equivalently @. 2A^2 + sin(A), using the @. macro)
    • nested dot calls like f.(g.(x)) are fused, and "adjacent" binary operators like x .+ 3 .* x.^2 are equivalent to nested dot calls (+).(x, (*).(3, (^).(x, 2))).
  • A = [1,2,3]; 0 .< A .< 1; returns [0,0,0], which is a kind of masks for each element in array A

    • v(x) = (println(x); x); v(1) < v(2) <= v(3) - Operators With Special Names: A few special expressions correspond to calls to functions with
    • Expression Calls
    • [A B C ...] hcat - create matix
    • [A; B; C; ...] vcat - create matix
    • [A B; C D; ...] hvcat - create matix - A' adjoint
    • A[i] getindex
    • A[i] = x setindex!
    • A.n getproperty
    • A.n = x setproperty!
  • Scope constructs: The constructs introducing scope blocks are:

    • Construct Scope type Allowed within

    • module, baremodule global global

    • struct local (soft) global

    • for, while, try local (soft) global, local

    • macro local (hard) global

    • functions, do blocks, let blocks, comprehensions, generators local (hard) global, local

    • those which only introduce a "soft scope", which affects whether shadowing a global variable by the same name is allowed or not.

    • begin block doesn't introduct new scope

  • Functions:

    • When a bare identifier or dot expression occurs after a semicolon, the keyword argument name is implied by the identifier or field name. For example,
    • plot(x, y; width) is equivalent to plot(x, y; width=width) and,
    • plot(x, y; options.width) is equivalent to plot(x, y; width=options.width)
    • rightmost occurance is applied:
    • In the call plot(x, y; options..., width=2) it is possible that the options structure also contains a value for width. In such a case the rightmost occurrence takes precedence. When plot(x, y; width=3, width=2), width=2 is applied
  • Supporting multi-dispatch

  • Type:

    • Any is commonly called "top" because it is at the apex of the type graph. Julia also has a predefined abstract "bottom" type, at the nadir of the type graph, which is written as Union{}. It is the exact opposite of Any: no object is an instance of Union{} and all types are supertypes of Union{}.
  • The type Vararg{T,N} corresponds to exactly N elements of type T. NTuple{N,T} is a convenient alias for Tuple{Vararg{T,N}}, i.e. a tuple type containing exactly N elements of type T.

  • The syntax Array{<:Integer} is a convenient shorthand for Array{T} where T<:Integer

  • Method:

    • A definition of one possible behavior for a function is called a method.
    • The choice of which method to execute when a function is applied is called dispatch.
  • When is convert called?: The following language constructs call convert:

    • Assigning to an array converts to the array's element type.
    • Assigning to a field of an object converts to the declared type of the field.
    • Constructing an object with new converts to the object's declared field types.
    • Assigning to a variable with a declared type (e.g. local x::T) converts to that type.
    • A function with a declared return type converts its return value to that type.
    • Passing a value to ccall converts it to the corresponding argument type.
  • Modules:

    • Due to syntactic ambiguities, qualifying a name that contains only symbols, such as an operator, requires inserting a colon, e.g. Base.:+. A small number of operators additionally require parentheses, e.g. Base.:(==)`


The playground for Julia programming language


Language:Julia 100.0%