Ryne9 / ProcessSimulator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Clone or copy the project. (IDE like Eclipse or Intellij are recommended to finish this homework) Go through the classed.

Finish the class FIFOQueue.java, you must not modify any other classes.

Check the comments In FIFOQueue.java before you starts to code. (Note that there is a string called signature, you should replace the value with your name.)

In Scheduler.java, there is a main class, which is the entrance of this repo. After finishing FIFOQueue.java, you should be able to run this as java application. The program will print out the processes execution trace.

What to submit

The runnable jar of this java program.

For example, in eclipse, once you could run this program properly to print the trace, you could easily export a runnable file. Without using IDE, things are a little complex.

Name your jar file as "netid".jar, e.g., My jar file will be gliu5.jar Test out your runnable jar file bying using command java -jar netid.jar The last line should contain your name. upload your jar file into your home folder and create a symboliclink link file named as "netid".jar as well under /home/gliu5/homework/hw2/jars

How to create symbolic link? simply google it. Note that late homework will not be accepted.



Language:Java 100.0%