Rykmentti / Personal-Portfolio-Project

Eternal work-in-progress portfolio. Supposed to be showcase of my skills but let's see how it works out

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Personal-Portfolio-Project Front Page

Eternal work-in-progress repository, which I made for myself to document the progress and development of me as a Unity Developer. Hopefully it will double as a portfolio as well.

It should work like this:

Everytime I start a new project, I will create a new branch for that project in this repository and name it in a way that makes sense. For example: First Project or First mobile project or something else relevant, so people can find what they are looking for and ignore everything else.

After I'm done with a project. I will mark it as "final" and hopefully never touch it again. I will bury it into the repository as remainder for the later me to check on it for nostalgia or how I've changed or whatever.

If for whatever reason I want continue from where I left off in a project, that I've concluded as final, I will just start a new project with that as a base.

Hopefully, this way I will have all my personal unity prototypes in one place and repo, rather than have dozens, maybe hundreds of project repositories in github, flooding the page, I will also add very brief descriptions of the different branches here, so I/people can just select the whatever branch they want to checkout.

Very big disclaimer here: These are not complete projects, they are most likely unfinished prototypes/projects!

Don't expect complete games or working solutions. They are for me to keep track of progress of my learning and progress. I have couple of friends, who want to check out the work I do or help me out with problems that I have and I wanted to make it as easy as possible for them.

Version Guide:

I will list all the versions here, with (hopefully) brief descriptions.


I started this project started on 23.01.2022, sometime after I finished my Junior Programmer Pathway on Unity. I had zero previous coding/game design experience prior to this.

First Commit Date: 07.09.2022 (Didn't "really" use github, until I started school, hence the 8 month gap betweem first and last commit)

Final Commit Date: 19.07.2023

My first "real" Personal Project and its a... 2D Top-Down Action Game? I started coding this project after I had finished Junior Programmer Pathway on Unity, which took me about 3 weeks, and results are what you expect.

Code is full of annotations, that do not make sense to anyone, least of all myself. I'm writing them, as if talking to future myself, who has forgotten everything from the past. Probably not good example of "clean code" But hey, it was my first project, that I actually put lot of effort in.

I concluded this project, because it was made with Unity 2020.3.12f1 LTS, I was accepted into Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences as a student. I wanted to start new project utilizing newest Unity 2022 LTS.


Project started on 19.07.2023. I am currently Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences student, specializing in the game development.

My first mobile project.

Why mobile? I wanted to see how mobile development works and since I'm very interested in 2D, doing a mobile project is a good idea to find out how everything works there. I am using tablet as the end platform right.

First Commit Date: 19.07.2023

Final Commit Date: In-Progress.


Eternal work-in-progress portfolio. Supposed to be showcase of my skills but let's see how it works out