Ryex / Dungeondraft-GoPackager

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Help for Go-noobs

kjgonzalez opened this issue · comments

Hi, thank you for the wonderful package. just wanted to add some instructions for people on Linux who don't know the first thing about Go. I had to poke around a little bit, but this is what I found to work:

  1. if you've never installed go, run "sudo apt install golang", I used v1.18.1 at the time of this writing (and note, release of this repo was at v1.1.0)
  2. download the source code, unpack at MAINPATH
  3. cd MAINPATH/cmd/dungeondraft-pack
  4. go get github.com/sirupsen/logrus@v1.6.0 (if you skip this step and just type "go build", you'll get an error which tells you to do this anyway)
  5. go build (this should build *pack)
  6. cd ../dungeondraft-unpack
  7. go build (this should build *unpack)
  8. DONE!

Alternatively as stated in the readme , provided you have go installed you can go get the packer and unpacker directly.

go get github.com/ryex/dungeondraft-gopackager/cmd/dungeondraft-pack
go get github.com/ryex/dungeondraft-gopackager/cmd/dungeondraft-unpack

Which will build and install the binaries to $GOBIN with no need to separately clone or download the repo.

ah, OK thank you! I honestly had no idea what that meant, I basically took the long way. thank you for the wonderful tool. helps me focus more on maps rather than getting assets ready.