Rybadour / vim-settings

My personal vim settings and plugins.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My personal vim settings and plugins.

Plugins Used

Notable Sections

###Tab Controls

" more conveinent mapping for previous tab
map ge gT

" return to last visited tab
map gr :exe "tabn " . g:ltv<CR>
function! Setlasttabpagevisited()
    let g:ltv = tabpagenr()
augroup localtl
" Remove all localtl autocommands
" keep tally of the last tab page visited.
autocmd TabLeave * call Setlasttabpagevisited()
augroup END
autocmd VimEnter * let g:ltv = 1

" more conveinent mapping for go to nth tab
map gn :tabn

###Relative Line Numbering

" Vim 7.3 or newer
set rnu

###Highlight Find Search Match While Writing Pattern

" Makes writing complicated patterns much easy
set incsearch

###Fullscreen Gvim and remove toolbars

set guioptions-=m
set guioptions-=T
au GUIEnter * simalt ~x


My personal vim settings and plugins.


Language:Vim Script 97.9%Language:Python 2.1%Language:Vim Snippet 0.0%