Ryan-rsm-McKenzie / CommonLibSSE

A reverse engineered library for hacking Skyrim Special Edition

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"Cast Spell" function?

max-su-2019 opened this issue · comments

Just to make sure is the real member function that registery in the VM's "Spell Script"
Function Cast(ObjectReference akSource, ObjectReference akTarget = None) native current contains in the library?

I already dig out the offset of this function in VM, you can call it as below:

void CastSpell(RE::BSScript::IVirtualMachine* a_vm, RE::SpellItem* thisSpell, RE::TESObjectREFR* Caster, RE::TESObjectREFR* Target)
  using func_t = void(*)(RE::BSScript::IVirtualMachine* a_vm, std::uint32_t stackId, RE::SpellItem* thisSpell, RE::TESObjectREFR* Caster, RE::TESObjectREFR* Target);
  REL::Relocation<func_t> func{ REL::ID(55149) };
  return func(a_vm, 0, thisSpell, Caster, Target);

Just want to know if that real member function already dig out now?