RxSwiftCommunity / RxViewModel

ReactiveViewModel-esque using RxSwift

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CocoaPods Keywords

AliSoftware opened this issue Β· comments

When I'm searching for MVVM on cocoapods.org, RxViewModel doesn't show up.

Adding that keyword somewhere in your podspec description might help discoverability πŸ˜‰

Definitely; actually Orta commented about it but related to the README; hence #4

But I think improving discoverability is a top priority.
i'm going to muster something better for the pod description.

Thanks πŸ™‡


I think I failed :(

Looks like it only searches on the summary and I updated the description Β―_(ツ)_/Β―

Haha damn

and failed again… even updated the summary :(

Mmmmh starting to feel strange, it should use at least summary keywords.

Maybe that's because you used backticks and those are not properly lemmatized by the search engine?

Maybe you forgot to light a candle and sacrifice a πŸ“ while singing around the πŸ”₯ ?
(Probably time to invoke our shamans πŸŽ‹ @orta or @floere to solve this mystery)

Wait, why are you saying it failed again? It's actually even the top result!

ahhhh; I was looking from terminal

 ~/Code/…/ ξ‚° ξ‚  v0.5.0 ξ‚° be pod search mvvm

-> DCHMVVMKit (0.0.3)
   A MVVM develop kit for Objective-C.
   pod 'DCHMVVMKit', '~> 0.0.3'
   - Homepage: https://github.com/seraphcxl/DCHMVVMKit
   - Source:   https://github.com/seraphcxl/DCHMVVMKit.git
   - Versions: 0.0.3, 0.0.2, 0.0.1 [master repo]

The pod search command only searches (1) locally, using the podspecs cloned in your ~/.cocoapods/repos/ and (2) only in the pod name iirc

To use the local search but also search in the description, use pod search --full. This extends the search to summary and description (and maybe even author, not sure)

To use the web search, that calls the search API and let the server do its search algorithm remotely and return the result instead of doing a local search, use pod search --web

ahhhhhhh thanks for the lesson on the API and the CLI tool :)
much appreciated πŸ™‡

@AliSoftware Nice explanation 😊
@esttorhe Glad it worked in the end πŸš€